June 2023
Canova: Sketching in Clay
Published on June 23, 2023
Working with his hands and small tools, Canova produced dazzling sketch models in clay, which helped him plan his designs for his large statues in marble. Imprinted with the fire of his imagination, these sketches were boldly executed in mere minutes. Canova also made more finished models, sensuous in their details, that he showed to patrons or used as guides for carving.
More than 30 of his some 60 or so surviving models reveal the artist’s extraordinary working process—a process that led to the creation of some of the most iconic works in the history of sculpture.
The exhibition runs from June 11- October 9, 2023 at the National Gallery of Art, 6th St and Constitution Ave NW, Washington D.C.
For more information on the exhibition, click here.

Into the Woods: French Drawings and Photographs from the Karen B. Cohen Gift
Published on June 22, 2023
Into the Woods: French Drawings and Photographs from the Karen B. Cohen Gift combines objects gifted from Morgan Trustee Karen B. Cohen with related examples from the Morgan’s collection. This selection of over fifty works on paper by French nineteenth-century artists will explore new approaches to the rural landscape and help define the role artists played in defining a modern relationship to nature.
The development of portable equipment, the expansion of the railway system, and the technical innovation of photography all helped reshape artists’ relationship with nature in the nineteenth century. This exhibition asks how painters, draftsmen, and photographers approached the traditional subject of landscape and scenes of rural life in new ways. They discovered new effects through the use of a wide range of media, from charcoal to photography. A focus on rural laborers, and women in particular, led to some of the first empathetic—and least romanticized—depictions of the rural working class.
The exhibition runs from June 16 - October 22, 2023 at the Morgan Library, 225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016.
To learn more, click here.
Visit the ARC Calendar for more events and exhibitions.

Tony Ryder Portrait Intensive at BACAA
Published on June 21, 2023
Only 2 spots remaining in each program
An exclusive opportunity to study with Master Artist Tony Ryder in a 4-week long program at Bay Area Classical Artist Atelier.
BACAA/Tony Ryder Master Residency Portrait Drawing Program-2023 - August 7-11, 2023. The workshop includes intensive study of the portrait, a one-week course in the fundamental principles of long pose portrait drawing in pencil on white drawing paper, and in pencil and white chalk on tinted paper. Open to all levels. The workshop will include 100 hours including Tony's daily 2 hour demos and lectures. This will strengthen and help each student gain an understanding of light and form and the beauty of subtle progressions.
BACAA/Tony Ryder Master Residency Portrait Painting Workshop-2023 - August 14 – September 1, 2023. An introduction to Form Painting, a complete method of painting the portrait in oil, in five stages. Weeks two through 4 Tony will teach Form Painting. It is a direct ‘window shade’ method of painting wet into wet, and into a dark base. This is not a paint everywhere quickly approach. One section is painted at a time, finishing it completely, before going to the next section. The painting slowly reveals itself as if a window shade were being withdrawn to expose the scene hidden behind it. This approach necessitates careful control of value and color.
Students are able to book only one or both workshops. For more information, please visit BACAA.org.
For more workshops, please visit the ARC Calendar.

Aristides Atelier Interest Day
Published on June 9, 2023
ARC Living Master Juliette Aristides is offering a live one-hour open session opportunity for students to learn more about the Atelier programs offered at Aristides Atelier. Juliette will discuss the importance of drawing and how her own classical training was adapted to create the Online Aristides Atelier. Get a virtual tour of the Atelier and have the chance to learn more about the program firsthand from both instructors and students.
The session takes place on Tuesday, June 13th, 2023, 12:00PM PST
To learn more and to sign up, please click here.
For more events, please visit the ARC Calendar.

95th Grand National Exhibition Call for Entries
Published on June 8, 2023
American Artists Professional League, an ARC Allied Organization, is holding their 95th Grand National Exhibition. Over $25,000 in awards will be offered.
Entries are being accepted May 24 - August 14, 2023. The competition is open to all Members and non-members.
The Grand National Exhibition is AAPL's most selective in-person show which will be held at the prestigious and historic Salmagundi Club of NY located in Manhattan. The show page will be on the AAPL website and the sale portion on Bidsquare.
For more information, please click here.
For more events and exhibitions, please visit the ARC Calendar.

Pastel Portraits - Drawn from Life?
Published on June 7, 2023
Pastel Portraits - Drawn from Life?
Artists in 18th-century Europe relished the convenience and versatility of pastels to make portraits, which ranged from straightforward likenesses to imaginary renderings. This focused installation, principally from the Museum’s collection, features pastels by two of the most important women artists of 18th-century Europe, Adélaïde Labille-Guiard and Rosalba Carriera. It asks visitors to consider: who gets a portrait and who decides what it looks like?
The exhibition will be held from March 14 – September 17, 2023 at the Getty Center, 1200 Getty Center Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90049.
For more information, please click here.
For more events and exhibitions, please visit the ARC Calendar.

Ana Schmidt at NordArt 2023
Published on June 5, 2023
ARC Living Master Ana Schmidt has been selected to exhibit two of her works, Barren Land and Dog Tracks, at NordArt 2023.
NordArt 2023 presents a curated selection of contemporary art of international artists. The distinctive feature of NordArt is to create synergy between diverse and contrasting perspectives, suggesting that people´s thoughts are shared regardless of backgrounds, identities or cultural differences. The artworks can be appreciated independently, but the playful conversations, both between the works of art as well as the public, add unexpected depth and value to the experience.
NordArt is one of the largest exhibitions of contemporary art in Europe and has been held yearly since 1999 at Kunstwerk Carlshütte, Vorwerskalle 24, Budelsdorf, 24782 Germany. The exhibition runs from June 3 – October 8, 2023.
To learn more, please click here.
For more information, please visit the ARC Calendar.