February 2017
Debra Keirce Exhibitions
February 28, 2017
![]() | ARC Living Artist™ Debra Keirce is exhibiting her painting "Victory" in the show "Map Your World". The exhibition takes place on February 17 - March 12, 2017 at the Franklin Park Arts Center - 36441 Blueridge View Lane, Purcellville, VA 20132. She is also exhibiting her work at "Art Auction 49" taking place from January 19 - March 4, 2017 at Yellowstone Art Museum - 401 North 27th Street, Billings, MT 59101. |
The Art Auction is designed to give living artists a chance to offer their work to the public directly. To learn more about this and other exhibitions, please click here. |
A Celebration of the Traditional Approach to Architecture
February 27, 2017
This show features a selection of contemporary drawings and paintings by practicing architects and artists from the ARC Approved™ Grand Central Atelier that showcases the importance of drawing to the language of architecture. The exhibit runs from March 2 - April 7, 2017 with the Opening Reception March 2, 6 - 9pm at the Eleventh Street Arts, 46-06 11th St, Long Island City, NY 11101. To learn more, please visit our events page. | ![]() |
New Work Added To Live Salon Exhibition
February 27, 2017
![]() | We are pleased to announce that Hugging the Shore by Jane Chapin has been added to the 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition. |
"Hugging the Shore is a scene of boaters on the Yellowstone River in Montana and is the cover art for the artist's book Land of the Free, Gold Star Families Edition published in 2015. The book is a tribute to families who lost a loved one in active duty of military service and the 50 paintings reflect each of the states they call home. Book sales are a 100% benefit to veterans' charities. The Yellowstone is one of the most scenic and serene rivers in the western United States. The painting was chosen as the book cover because it portrays the freedom and healing powers of being on the water as well as the natural beauty and grandeur of the country. Artist and author Jane Chapin is dedicated to painting and celebrating the American landscape." | |
This work is also available for sale. For inquiries please contact kara.ross@artrenewal.org. The 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition will be on view at the Salmagundi Club, NYC from May 12th – June 1st with the public opening reception on Saturday, May 13th from 11am to 3pm. The works will then travel to the MEAM Museum, Barcelona where they will be on view from September 23rd – November 27th. To learn more about the exhibition and to see the other works that have joined the exhibition so far, visit our 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition Page. #12thARCSalon |
New ARC Approved Atelier™
February 24, 2017
Great Lakes Academy of Fine Art, run by ARC Living Master™ Jeffrey Larson, is a small apprenticeship-style program dedicated to the training of classical drawing and painting. Its full-time, four-year curriculum is open to twenty students. Only individuals whose primary goal is to become professional fine artists will be considered for the program. | |
GLAFA is located in Duluth, Minnesota at the tip of Lake Superior, the world's second-largest fresh water lake. The Academy itself is housed in a newly renovated 8,000 sq. ft. turn-of-the-century stone church that overlooks the bay. To learn more about GLAFA, please click here. | ![]() |
New Work Added To Live Salon Exhibition
February 24, 2017
We are pleased to announce that Courting Death by Linda Adair has been added to the 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition. DEATH be not proud, though some have called thee Mighty and dreadful, for, thou art not so, For, those, whom thou think'st, thou dost overthrow, Die not, poor death, nor yet canst thou kill me. —John Donne, Death be not proud | |
![]() | "Not all love is beautiful or desirable, at times one can attract an unlikely admirer. In this painting, Courting Death, I wanted to combine careful detailed realism with abstract marks to give the feeling of stillness underlain with fluttering nervous energy. For this moment all is calm, frozen in time. Our hero might look tranquil and in control on the outside but inside she is a whirlwind of thoughts, plans and emotions. She has inadvertently caught the eye of a powerful, deadly character. What will she do now? Through this painting I show the complex, beautiful, and possibly deadly side of love." |
This work is also available for sale. For inquiries please contact kara.ross@artrenewal.org. The 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition will be on view at the Salmagundi Club, NYC from May 12th – June 1st with the public opening reception on Saturday, May 13th from 11am to 3pm. The works will then travel to the MEAM Museum, Barcelona where they will be on view from September 23rd – November 27th. To learn more about the exhibition and to see the other works that have joined the exhibition so far, visit our 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition Page. #12thARCSalon |
Figurativas 2017 Competition
February 24, 2017
The Foundation of the Arts and Artists, an ARC Allied Organization, is organizing Figurativas ‘17, with a First Prize for painting of up to €36,000, a Sculpture Acquisition Fund of €40,000 and a fund to be determined for acquiring paintings. The Foundation seeks to promote and diffuse Figurative Art, and its chief mission is to encourage artistic initiatives and sponsor artists. The jury is composed of painters such as Antonio López García, Lita Cabellut, Alex Kanevsky and Daniel Graves among other personalities such as Jose Manuel Infiesta (MEAM Director), Tomás Paredes (art critic) and Leandro Navarro (gallery owner). | ![]() |
They are accepting entries now through April 21, 2017. Those who want to participate can go to www.fundaciondelasartes.org for more details and to enter. |
Ani Art Academies 3rd Annual Drawing Competition Results
February 23, 2017
![]() | Ani Art Academies, an ARC Approved Atelier™ would like to congratulate the winners of their 3rd Annual Drawing Competition. A prestigious panel of judges including ARC C.O.O. Kara Ross, Joshua Rose, Patrick Wilshire, Christine Serr, David Ethridge, and Tim Reynolds examined each drawing for the qualities that best represent an artist in true command of his or her talent. To learn more about the competition winners, please click here. |
Lesson 18 in DVI Bargue Course Released
February 23, 2017
The Da Vinci Initiative is proud to introduce a new online Bargue Drawing course titled Charles Bargue in the 21st Century. This course takes you from start to finish in creating a drawing from a 19th century Bargue plate. This week they have released Lesson 18 on shadow shapes in the Bargue drawing. | ![]() |
The DVI is using Patreon, a subscription service, and the sale of the course though its website, to finance the expense of producing high-quality video courses in order to provide broader access to training for students who are eager to learn atelier skills. Your patronage ensures that all students have access to this essential knowledge. Patreon subscribers and purchasers of the course through DVI will gain access to additional tips and tricks videos with additional educational footage. Patreon subscribers will also gain access to the weekly footage one day in advance of the general public, or the entire course with additional footage can be purchased in totality now through DVI by clicking here. Please visit Patreon to subscribe, or come to the DVI YouTube channel for the first few videos for free now. To make a donation to The Da Vinci Initiative, click here. |
Florence Academy of Art Exhibition
February 22, 2017
![]() | Drawn to Life: Celebrating the Tradition of the Academic Nude is a unique opportunity to view a rare collection of American, French, and Russian academic drawings and paintings, that have been put together thanks to the generous loans from The Art Students League, as well as private collectors and friends of The Florence Academy. With over 14 works exhibited, the artists include Richard Tweedy, Augustus Vincent Tack, Louis Fancher, Victor Hecht, Dennis Miller Bunker, and two rarely seen paintings by Abbott Thayer, among others. |
The exhibition runs from February 13 - May 5, 2017 and takes place 888 Newark Avenue, FL 3, Jersey City, NJ 07306. To learn more about her current and upcoming shows, please click here. |
New Work Added to the ARC Live Exhibition
February 21, 2017
We are pleased to announce that Miss Rachel by Emanuela De Musis has been added to the 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition. | |
"We look up at Miss Rachel and she looks down at us. Her lids are heavy with disregard, but her lips pout as though she may be inclined to tears. Does she bloom with conceit or shrink from some petty slight? Shoulders back, breast forward, head cocked, her posture passes from confidence to arrogance. She wears a prim white shirt, buttoned to the top, but is illuminated by a virginal white internal light which covers her with the humility of a Quaker. Miss Rachel, what truths do you keep to yourself? Likewise, there is a contradiction in her hands. She places them protectively, properly, on her lap, but in those relaxed fingers, is there a hint of her hidden contempt?" This work is also available for sale. For inquiries please contact kara.ross@artrenewal.org. | ![]() |
The 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition will be on view at the Salmagundi Club, NYC from May 12th – June 1st with the public opening reception on Saturday, May 13th from 11am to 3pm. The works will then travel to the MEAM Museum, Barcelona where they will be on view from September 23rd – November 27th. To learn more about the exhibition and to see the other works that have joined the exhibition so far, visit our 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition Page. #12thARCSalon |
Debra Keirce News and Events
February 17, 2017
![]() First Place Winner Sulphur Springs Minature Show Guinness by Debra Keirce | ARC Living Artist™ Debra Keirce has recently been accepted as a member of the prestigious Copley Society of Art, which is the oldest non-profit art association in the United States. She recently won first place in the Sulphur Springs Miniature Show, located at 1500 N Circle I Rd., Willcox, AZ 85643. The show runs until February 28, 2017. Debra is also exhibiting two paintings in the Winter's Tale Show taking place at the Tryst Gallery, 312 East Market St. Suite F, Leesburg VA 20176. The show runs until Wed, Mar 29, 2017. To learn more about her current and upcoming shows, please click here. |
New work added to the ARC Live Exhibition
February 16, 2017
We are pleased to announce that "The Thinker" by Marta Crawford has been added to the 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition. | |
"When I create a work in charcoal, very often what inspires me is not a particular person, but a feeling. My work reflects what I am going through at the moment. Every piece is a new page in my diary. I have been an oil painter for the past decade, but as a child I had a passion for drawing, faces in particular. The past year has been a very difficult year for me and what I felt and went through couldn't be written in color. This is how I returned to my childhood and decided to capture this feeling in a drawing. The Thinker is a male version of me. The model is not looking straight at us. He is looking away but up. Not wanting us to know what is going through his mind, but still hopeful about a brighter future." | ![]() |
This work is also available for sale. For inquiries please contact kara.ross@artrenewal.org. The 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition will be on view at the Salmagundi Club, NYC from May 12th – June 1st with the public opening reception on Saturday, May 13th from 11am to 3pm. The works will then travel to the MEAM Museum, Barcelona where they will be on view from September 23nd – November 27th. To learn more about the exhibition and to see the other works that have joined the exhibition so far, visit our 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition Page. #12thARCSalon |
New ARC Associate Living Master™
February 16, 2017
![]() Bella by Carla D'aguanno | Carla D'aguanno began her career as a movie poster artist and then as an illustrator of young adult and romance covers for several New York publishing companies. After she married, she turned to fine art and began painting children, animals and western genre scenes. Her love for the pioneer days of the west as well as children and horses is evident in her work. She describes her technique as expressive representational art. She claims her greatest challenge is bringing the beauty of her subjects to life on a canvas. please click here. |
New ARC Allied Organization
February 15, 2017
ARC is pleased to welcome the South African Portrait Society as our newest Allied Organization. | |
South African Portrait Society was created with the main purpose to enhance "Fine Art Portraiture" in South Africa. Their vision is to create a national platform where South African Artists can compete, learn and get inspired. | ![]() |
They also hope to pique the general public's interest in portraiture by featuring excellent masterpieces (contemporary and old masters) on their social media platforms, as well as educate the public regarding the significance of fine art portraiture and why it is still relevant today, despite the development of modern technology like photography and digital imagery. To learn more, please click here. |
Tina Garrett Workshop
February 14, 2017
Come paint with two-time ARC Salon Purchase Award winner and ARC Associate Living Master, Tina Garrett in Tuscany! This 5 day workshop is appropriate for all levels and is great for those who want to experience painting from life and from photos, both indoors and out in the relaxed and romantic atmosphere of Montalcino, Tuscany, among the vineyards of Brunelli Wine country! | |
![]() | - Paint the figure in the unique Tuscan landscape en plein air - In the studio explore painting portraiture from both life and photos - Learn three starting methods, full color wash, open grisaille and selective start .October 16 - 20, 2017 |
8 student maximum, spouses and travel companions are welcome to attend all evening events and excursions! Optional Florence Museum Day and Nocturnal Plein Air Painting in Venice! Hold your spot today: http://tinagarrett.com/payforlessons/ |
Work added to the ARC Live Exhibition
February 13, 2017
About the work, Vanessa Lemen says: | |
“Letters To A Young Poet was inspired by the book with the same title by Rainer Maria Rilke. The painting evolved from an abstract vision using meditative marks and an exploration of what I felt was an important overall message resounding throughout the pages. I found myself coming back to this excerpt as a key source of inspiration for the painting: 'Things are not all so tangible and expressible as one would mostly have us believe; most experiences are inexpressible, taking place in a realm which no word has ever entered, and more inexpressible than all else are works of art, mysterious existences, the life of which, while ours passes away, endures.'" | ![]() |
The 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition will be on view at the Salmagundi Club, NYC from May 12th – June 1st with the public opening reception on Saturday, May 13th from 11am to 3pm. The works will then travel to the MEAM Museum, Barcelona where they will be on view from September 23nd – November 27th. To learn more about the exhibition and to see the other works that have joined the exhibition so far, visit our 12th International ARC Salon Exhibition Page. |
Lesson 17 in DVI Bargue Course Released
February 10, 2017
![]() | The Da Vinci Initiative is proud to introduce a new online Bargue Drawing course titled Charles Bargue in the 21st Century. This course takes you from start to finish in creating a drawing from a 19th century Bargue plate. This week they have released Lesson 17 on finishing the block in stage of the Bargue drawing. |
The DVI is using Patreon, a subscription service, and the sale of the course though its website, to finance the expense of producing high-quality video courses in order to provide broader access to training for students who are eager to learn atelier skills. Your patronage ensures that all students have access to this essential knowledge. Patreon subscribers and purchasers of the course through DVI will gain access to additional tips and tricks videos with additional educational footage. Patreon subscribers will also gain access to the weekly footage one day in advance of the general public, or the entire course with additional footage can be purchased in totality now through DVI by clicking here. Please visit Patreon to subscribe, or come to the DVI YouTube channel for the first few videos for free now. To make a donation to The Da Vinci Initiative, click here. |
Joke Frima Award
February 8, 2017
Congratulations to ARC Living Master™ Joke Frima who has recently won second place still life in the Members Only competition of the Portrait Society of America for her painting, Eternal Return. The Members Only Competition, held annually, is open to all Portrait Society members in good standing. Each fall, up to five categories are offered and members can submit up to one artwork per category. To view her gallery on ARC, click here. | ![]() |
Victorian Treasures
February 7, 2017
Victorian Treasures brings together more than 60 outstanding Victorian paintings and watercolors from the art collections of National Museums Liverpool. The exhibition explores the work of leading 19th-century classical artists such as Frederic Leighton, Lawrence Alma-Tadema and Edward John Poynter. It also showcases work from pioneering Pre-Raphaelite artists including John Everett Millais, Dante Gabriel Rossetti and William Holman Hunt. | |
![]() | The exhibit takes place at the Walker Art Gallery - William Brown Street, Liverpool, L3 8EL, UK and runs from January 27 - May 7, 2017. For more information on this and other events, please click here. |
American Miniatures Exhibition
February 7, 2017
American Miniatures at Settlers West is one of the best exhibitions of small original paintings and sculpture. More than 200 artists will participate in this stellar event, including works by ARC Living Master™ Joseph McGurl and Associate Living Masters™ Doug Zider and Mary Ross Buchholz. The show takes place at Settlers West Gallery 6420 N. Campbell Ave. Tucson, AZ 85718 and begins on February 11, 2017. To learn more about this and other events, please click here. | ![]() |
Carlo Dolci Exhibition
February 3, 2017
![]() | The Medici’s Painter: Carlo Dolci and 17th-Century Florence is the first exhibition in America devoted to the luminous and meticulously rendered paintings and drawings of Italian artist Carlo Dolci. The exhibition takes place at the Davis Museum at Wellesley College - 106 Central Street, Wellesley, MA 02481 from February 10 - July 9, 2017. For more information on this and other events, please click here. |
ARCALM™ Sergio Roffo in Fine Art Connoisseur
February 3, 2017
ARCALM™ Sergio Roffo has recently had an article on his work published on Fine Art Connoisseur's website. "Many view making art as a meditative practice that calms the nerves, provides clarity, and is fulfilling. For painter Sergio Roffo, that feeling of serene sanity is often achieved with brush in hand and beauty in mind." To read the full article, please click here. | ![]() |
Auguste Rodin: The Centenary Installation
February 1, 2017
![]() | Honoring the 100th anniversary of Auguste Rodin’s death in 1917, the Legion of Honor will present a completely new installation of its extraordinary Rodin holdings in Auguste Rodin: The Centenary Installation. Approximately 50 objects in bronze, marble, and plaster—all from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco’s permanent collection—will be presented in a new context. |
The exhibition runs from January 28, 2017 – December 31, 2017 at the Legion of Honor Museum, Lincoln Park, 100 34th Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94121. To see other events, visit our events page. |
Attention to Detail Exhibition
February 1, 2017
This exhibition features the work of 30 world-renown realist painters with an emphasis on detail-orientated works. ARC Living Master™ Anthony Waichulis will be among the artists exhibiting in the show. The opening reception of the show takes place February 3, 2017, 5-8 pm at the Robert Lange Studio Gallery - 2 Queen Street, Charleston, SC 29401. More information about this and other exhibitions can be found on our events page. | ![]() |