October 2019
30 Days: One Month of Training at the Da Vinci Initiative Atelier
Published on October 31, 2019
The Da Vinci Initiative Atelier is presenting a show of drawing and painting works completed by art teachers during just 30 days of atelier training, as well as some instructor work. Support and encourage these wonderful art teachers who are pursuing skill-based learning by celebrating with them at the opening reception taking place on Wednesday, November 6, 2019, 6-8 pm at The Majestic Gallery in Jersey City, NJ.
The exhibition will remain on view in the lobby from November 6, 2019 to February 22, 2020 at the The Majestic Theatre Condominiums, 222 Montgomery Street, Jersey City, NJ 07302.
For more information, please visit the
ARC Calendar.

Artists Council Exhibition 2019
Published on October 30, 2019
ARC Living Artist Charlene Lane will be among the exhibiting artists at the Artists Council Exhibition 2019. The Artists Council celebrates the culmination of its first year as an independent non-profit arts organization dedicated to promoting art and artists of the greater Coachella Valley. The exhibition will be at The Palm Springs Art Museum-Palm Desert, The Galen and Faye Sarkowsky Sculpture Garden, Palm Desert, CA.
To learn more, click here.
For more exhibitions, please visit the ARC Calendar.

Impressionist Sketches from Minnesota and Abroad
Published on October 29, 2019
"Impressionist Sketches from Minnesota and Abroad", a solo exhibition of works by ARC Living Master Mary Pettis, will display a selection of over twenty-five small oil sketches of various landscapes from around the world.
There will be an Artist Reception on Friday, December 6th (5:30pm – 7:30pm), where visitors can meet and speak with the artist about this rare collection of impressionist style oil studies.
The exhibition runs from November 5 - December 30, 2019 in the Edward Curtis Gallery at The Minneapolis Club, 729 2nd Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55402.
For more information, please click here.
For more events, please visit the ARC Calendar.

New ARC Allied Organization
Published on October 24, 2019
ARC is pleased to welcome ARTDATAintel as a new Allied Organization.
ARTDATAintel is a comprehensive, Intelligence database that helps collectors make smarter, more informed art investments while inspiring artists to define winning strategies in the marketplace.
By exploring 300,000+ submissions and identifying more that 4,500 award-winning artists from diverse art contests over the past 10 years, ArtDataIntel is able to provide industry trends along with statistics on an artist’s multi-year performance, his or her ranking among peers, consistency across contests, rising trends and more. ArtDataIntel is focused solely on 21st century representational art.
To learn more, visit https://www.instagram.com/artdataintel/
Hands On Creativity
Published on October 23, 2019
Hands on Creativity is a much-anticipated annual event that takes place at Plaza Art. During Hands on Creativity weekends, Plaza attendees can participate in free art demonstrations, talk to artist representatives from major art brands, and pick up free samples of new art products.
The ARC Approved Cumberland Atelier will be present at the event. Participants can watch a demonstration of classical drawing or painting, and create a classical piece of art to take home. All materials are supplied.
The event takes place on October 26-27, 2019 at Plaza Nashville, 633 Middleton St, Nashville TN.
For more information, please click
For more events, please visit the ARC Calendar.

Corpo a Corpo
Published on October 22, 2019
Daniela Astone, Director of the Intermediate Program at the ARC Approved Florence Academy of Art, has organized an important exhibition of living figurative artists. Together with the curator, Carlo Sisi, and FAA alumnus, Gaia Grazioli, 35 international painters and sculptors have been selected for Corpo a Corpo.
The exhibition includes a number of familiar names and others who are very well known in Italy. Daniela explains their original intent for the show was to “stand up and make people aware of the movement”. Daniela and Gaia hope to repeat it every year, with new artists showing each time.
The exhibition will open at the Villa Bardini, 2 Costa S. Giorgio in Florence, Italy and run from October 26, 2019 through January 12, 2020.
For more information, please click
For more events, please visit the
ARC Calendar.

IX 2019
Published on October 18, 2019
IX is the first, ground-breaking art show, symposium, and celebration dedicated solely to imaginative realism—bringing artists, students, collectors, and art fans together for an annual gathering intended to inspire and create further awareness and zeal for imaginative realism and all that’s encompassed in the realm of the fantastic.
As the largest display of original imaginative realist art in the world, IX is an entirely unique experience where artists are free to participate in the show just as attendees and students do, students have the opportunity to sign up for private portfolio reviews by industry art directors and galleries, and all present have numerous opportunities to be inspired by and grow in love for the vast array of work and people in this incredible field.
For more information, please visit http://www.illuxcon.com/ix-home.html.

The Woolaroc Retrospective Exhibit and Sale
Published on October 17, 2019
Woolaroc Museum and Wildlife Preserve is proud to announce its upcoming art exhibition, The Woolaroc Retrospective Exhibit and Sale, opening October 18, 2019, and continuing through December 29, 2019.
ARC Living Master Jeremy Lipking will have fifteen paintings in this exhibit, ten on loan from private collections dating back to 2003 and five new paintings from 2019 that will be for sale.
To purchase tickets to the opening weekend and find out more about this event, click here.
For more events, please visit the ARC Calendar.

Moments of Light
Published on October 16, 2019
ARC Living Artist Robbie Fitzpatrick is holding a solo exhibition, "Moments of Light," at the Brazosport Center for the Arts and Sciences, 400 College Blvd, Clute, Texas 77531. This exhibition of over 50 of her realistic watercolors will be open to the public for viewing and purchase from October 15 to November 10, 2019, 10am to 4pm Tuesdays through Saturdays, and 2pm to 5pm Sundays. There will be a reception that is open to the public on October 18, 6 -8pm.
To learn more, please click here.
For more events and exhibitions, please visit the ARC Calendar.

James Tissot: Fashion & Faith
Published on October 15, 2019
The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco and the Musée d’Orsay, Paris are co-organizing James Tissot: Fashion & Faith, the first major reassessment of the artist’s career in over 20 years. In San Francisco, this international retrospective will examine approximately 60 paintings, additional works on paper, and cloisonné enamels by Tissot. Exhibition highlights are drawn from the permanent collections of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, including Tissot’s Self Portrait (ca. 1865) as well as prints and photographs from the Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Arts. New scholarship on the artist presented in this collaboration demonstrates that even Tissot’s most ebullient society paintings reveal rich and complex commentary on topics such as nineteenth-century society, religion, fashion, and politics, rendering him an artist worthy of reexamination in the twenty-first century.
The exhibition runs from October 12 - February 9, 2020 at the Legion of Honor Museum, 100 34th Ave, San Francisco, CA.
For more information, click here.
For more events, please visit the ARC Calendar.

OPA Eastern Regional Exhibit
Published on October 14, 2019
Oil Painters of America, an ARC Allied Organization, is holding their 2019 Eastern Regional Exhibition at the Beverly McNeil Gallery, 605 28th St S Birmingham, Alabama.
ARC Associate Living Master Roger Dale Brown is the Juror of Awards and will be participating in a panel discussion and painting demonstration.
ARCALM Debra Keirce, ARCLA Gayle Madeira, and head of the ARC Approved Cumberland Atelier, Gayle Levee, will be participating.
The exhibition will be on display October 10 through November 11, 2019. The Opening Reception will be held on Thursday, October 10, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. with the awards presentation at 7:00 p.m.
For more information, please click here.
For more events, please visit the ARC Calendar.

J.M.W. Turner: Watercolors From Tate
Published on October 11, 2019
Mystic Seaport Museum will host a major monographic exhibition devoted to the watercolors of J.M.W. Turner. This exhibit is organized in cooperation with Tate. Mystic Seaport Museum will be the only North American venue for the exhibition.
The exhibition will provide an exceptional opportunity to see key works spanning the entire career of the famous artist. A unique collection of 97 works, the selection will provide a view into the evolution of the artist’s vision and creative process.
The exhibition runs from October 5, 2019-February 23, 2020 at Mystic Seaport Museum, 75 Greenmanville Ave. Mystic, CT 06355.
For more information, please click
here .
To see more events, please visit the
ARC Calendar.

Joke Frima and Gerard Huysman
Published on October 10, 2019
ARC Living Master Joke Frima and artist Gerard Huysman will be holding an exhibition of their art from October 12 - November 10, 2019 at the Galerie Mokum, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 334, 1012 GM Amsterdam, Netherlands.
An opening reception will take place on Saturday October 12, at 4 pm.
For more information, please click here.
For more events, please visit the ARC Calendar.

Last Chance to Register for Odd Nerdrum Workshops
Published on October 8, 2019
Don't miss this unique opportunity to study with Odd Nerdrum from November 4-9, 2019 at TIAC Studio, Via Luna 8r, Florence, Italy.
TIAC is kindly offering the ARC community a special discount of 10% off the workshops.
Spaces are filling up fast!
Visit https://tiacacademy.com/master-level-workshops/odd-nerdrum-master-workshop to book your spot and use the discount code NERDRUM2019_ARC for 10% off at checkout.
For further information about this workshop, please contact masterworkshops@tiacg.com.

The Magic of Realism
Published on October 7, 2019
In a special collaboration with The Art Renewal Center, Haynes Galleries presents “The Magic of Realism,” a group exhibition of paintings that runs from October 10 to November 30, 2019 just outside of Nashville, TN.
All the artists participating in “The Magic of Realism” were selected from The Art Renewal Center’s 2019 Salon Competition, a yearly juried exhibition that is the largest and most prestigious competition in the world for realist artists.
The opening reception takes place on October 10th from 6 to 8pm. RSVP is required.
Please write to inquiries@haynesgalleries.com or call (615) 430-8147 or (615) 312-7000 to reserve a spot at the opening.

Chiaroscuro Academy now Miami International Fine Arts
Published on October 3, 2019
The ARC Approved Chiaroscuro Academy of Art is now called Miami International Fine Arts.
MIFA envisions artists that embrace creative expression supported by the highest level of craftsmanship. Their teaching methods and techniques provide the tools that students can use to create their own contemporary work and develop a personal artistic language.
To learn more, please click

Richard Whitney Interview
Published on October 1, 2019
Emilio Longo, Visual Arts Teacher and founder of Skill-Based Art: A Learning Resource for Art Students & Artist-Teachers has recently conducted a podcast interview with ARC Living Master, Richard Whitney.
Mr. Whitney is an acclaimed New Hampshire painter in the Classical Realist tradition and the author of Painting the Visual Impression and Advice to a Young Artist: Letters from Ives Gammell to Richard Whitney. In-depth knowledge is provided regarding the teachings of R.H. Ives Gammell and what it was like to be one of his students, as well as comprehensive discussion on Mr. Whitney's biography and his journey to mastering the craft of painting.
To listen to the podcast, please click here.