September 2019
Michelangelo: Mind of the Master
Published on September 30, 2019
Michelangelo: Mind of the Master presents an unprecedented opportunity for museum visitors to experience the brilliance of Michelangelo’s achievements on an intimate scale through more than two dozen original drawings. Michelangelo’s genius is especially evident through his breathtaking draftsmanship on sheets filled with multiple figures and close studies of human anatomy. Also on display are drawings that demonstrate Michelangelo’s inventive preparations for his most important and groundbreaking commissions, including the Sistine Chapel ceiling fresco, sculptures for the tomb of Giuliano de’ Medici, and the dome of Saint Peter’s Basilica.
The exhibition takes place at The Cleveland Museum of Art, 11150 East Boulevard, Cleveland, OH 44106 and runs from September 22, 2019 - January 5, 2020.
For more information, please click here.
To learn more about this and other events, please visit the ARC Calendar.

New ARC Living Artist
Published on September 27, 2019
ARC is pleased to welcome Tatiana McWethy as an ARC Living Artist™!
Tatiana McWethy was born in the Ukraine in the town of Berditchev in 1967. At an early age she won prizes for her art in Hungary, Romania, and Czechoslovakia. After graduating from Zheleznogorsky Art College, she studied 3 years at the St. Petersburg Academy of Art. In 2006 Tatiana married and moved to Sonoma, California, where she continues to create portraits, landscapes, and still life paintings.
To see her gallery on ARC, please click here.

Portrait Now 2019
Published on September 24, 2019
ARC Associate Living Master Jon Bøe Paulsen is part of the Portrait Now 2019 juried exhibition for the second time with the self portrait "Rich Man, Poor Man, Beggar Man".
The Nordic portrait competition is organized by the National History Museum in Denmark and a selection of the works will be on display at the Ljungberg Museum, Strandgt. 5, Ljungby, Vaxjø, Sweden from September 7 - November 17, 2019.
For more information, please click here.
For more events, please visit the ARC Calendar.

Bertoldo di Giovanni: The Renaissance of Sculpture in Medici Florence
Published on September 23, 2019
The Frick Collection presents the first-ever exhibition on the Florentine sculptor Bertoldo di Giovanni (ca. 1440–1491), a renowned student of Donatello, a teacher of Michelangelo, and a great favorite of Lorenzo “il Magnifico” de’ Medici, his principal patron. More than twenty statues, reliefs, medals, and statuettes — constituting nearly his entire extant oeuvre — are on view exclusively at the Frick, which houses the only sculptural figure by Bertoldo outside of Europe.
The exhibition runs from September 18, 2019 - January 12, 2020 at The Frick Collection, 1 East 70th Street, New York, NY 10021.
To view more about this exhibition, please click here.
For more information, please visit the ARC Calendar.

Portrait Drawing Master Class at the Princeton Academy of Art
Published on September 19, 2019
ARC Living Master Gilberto Geraldo will be holding a Portrait Drawing Master Class at the Princeton Academy of Art.
The master class will begin with a portrait drawing demo done by Gilberto. Students will work from the model for the remaining 4 days to complete a well composed and rendered drawing.
With a focus on human anatomy, perspective, and tactile approaches to analyzing form, students will build a better understanding of the portrait. The workshop will enforce a constructive academic approach to drawing while introducing students to atmospheric perspective.
The class runs from October 7 - 11, 2019 at the Princeton Academy of Art, 138 Nassau St, Fl 2, Princeton, NJ 08542. Students unable to take the entire workshop can attend the portrait demo.
For more information, please visit

20th Anniversary Exhibition: California Art Club at The Old Mill
Published on September 19, 2019
The California Art Club, an ARC Allied Organization, will be celebrating their gallery’s 20th year at The Old Mill. To commemorate this historic milestone, this exhibition features paintings of The Old Mill and iconic images of the surrounding area. Subjects include The Old Mill, Colorado Street Bridge, Pasadena City Hall, views of the San Gabriel mountains, San Juan Capistrano mission and more. This exhibition will be on view at the California Art Club Gallery at The Old Mill in San Marino, CA from September 10, 2019 – January 12, 2020.
To learn more, please click here.
For more exhibitions, please visit the ARC calendar.

Mysterious, Marvelous, Malevolent: The Art of Elihu Vedder
Published on September 13, 2019
Since its first public appearance in 1863, Elihu Vedder’s The Questioner of the Sphinx, has been a mystery. It is the first of a group of bizarre and visionary paintings, drawings, and book illustrations that Vedder (1836 – 1923) began to create in New York City at the outset of the American Civil War. Prior to this, he had spent three years abroad, studying in Paris and Florence. There, he produced mostly bucolic studies of the Italian countryside. When he returned to New York City in 1861, he made an abrupt and radical departure into the mysterious and the dangerous.
This exhibition explores Vedder’s journey into the realm of vision, nightmare, and dream. It considers Vedder’s fascination with ancient myths and legends of the monstrous and the terrible within the context of the horror, destruction, and alienation engendered by the national crisis of the American Civil War.
The exhibition runs from 4/05 - 12/29/2019 at Munson-Williams-Proctor Arts Institute, 310 Genesee St., Utica, NY 13502.
To learn more about this exhibition, please click here.
For more events, please visit the ARC calendar.

Ana Schmidt Panel Discussion: Waste Ground
Published on September 13, 2019
Painter Rob Reed and Writer and Film-maker John Rogers join ARC Living Master Ana Schmidt during her solo exhibition to discuss what makes urban waste ground such an interesting and inspiring place for many artists.
The panel discussion takes place on September 18, 2019 at the Mall Galleries, The Mall
London SW1, United Kingdom
To learn more click here.
For more events, please visit the ARC calendar.

William Blake
Published on September 11, 2019
William Blake was a painter, printmaker and poet who created some of the most iconic images in British art.
Inside the exhibition will be an immersive recreation of the small domestic room in which Blake showed his art in 1809. You will be able to experience for yourself the impact these works had when they were shown for the first time. In another room, Blake’s dream of showing his works at enormous scale will be made reality using digital technology.
With over 300 original works, including his watercolours, paintings and prints, this is the largest show of Blake’s work for almost 20 years. It will rediscover him as a visual artist for the 21st century.
To learn more, click here.
For more exhibitions, please visit the ARC Calendar.

ARC Scholarship Competition Results Announced
Published on September 9, 2019
The ARC Scholarship Fund Distributes $30,500 in Direct Scholarships to Aid Students at ARC Approved™ Art Academy and Atelier Schools. As those familiar with ARC and its mission know, the organization is involved in numerous projects, all in support of a return to an appreciation of great and enduring art, to the visual expression of shared humanity, and to academic, skill-based, art education. Come and view the results of this, our 20th Annual Competition!
Image shown:
First Place 20th Scholarship Winner
"Desire" by Jana Büttner
Aged 21

Odd Nerdrum Workshop at TIAC
Published on September 8, 2019
TIAC Academy will host Odd Nerdrum Painting Workshops from November 4-9, 2019 at TIAC Studio, Via Luna 8r, Florence, Italy.
TIAC has decided to extend the special 10% discount for one more month to offer the ARC community the possibility to participate in this exclusive experience. The spots are limited and the workshop is half full, so in order not to miss the chance, go to, book your spot and use the following discount code during the checkout.
To learn more, please visit TIAC for further information.

New ARC Living Master
Published on September 6, 2019
ARC is pleased to welcome Juan Carlos Martinez as an ARC Living Master™.
Juan Carlos Martinez is an award-winning artist, an art educator, and a specialist in traditional portraiture and figurative artwork, as well as landscape and still life. For nearly two decades his work has been featured in various publications and exhibitions around the world, and has garnered numerous awards and commissions. His work hangs in private and public collections in Canada, the US, and in Europe.
To view his gallery on ARC, please click here.