Congratulations to all of our 13th International ARC Salon Finalists. This year we had over 3,750 entries from 69 countries. Our finalists represent approximately 28% of entries. Names marked with DVI indicate they are 14 to 19 years of age and are a finalist for The Da Vinci Initiative Award for the Young Aspiring Artist, ARC’s independent side competition for realist high-school artwork.
- Philip Ackermann (Austria)
- Linda Adair (France)
- Leslie Adams (United States)
- Alexander Adell (United States)
- Harry Ahn (United States)
- Michael Aitken (United States)
- Douglas Aja (United States)
- Christian Luke Alarcon DVI (Philippines)
- Lee Alban (United States)
- Darby Vincent Alcoseba (Philippines)
- Brad Aldridge (United States)
- Brady Allen (United States)
- Pierre Alloueteau (Switzerland)
- Nick Alm (Sweden)
- Matthew Almy (United States)
- Patricia Alonzo Diaz (United States)
- Daevid Anderson (Australia)
- Kurt Anderson (United States)
- Nik Anikis (Slovenia)
- Denise Antaya (Canada)
- Morgane Antoine (France)
- Eric Armusik (United States)
- Eirik Arnesen (Norway)
- Carol Arnold (United States)
- Kerstin Arnold (Germany)
- Angelica Arvylas (Spain)
- Blair Atherholt (United States)
- Laura Atkins (United States)
- Philippe Attie (Haiti)
- Alexandra Averbach (United States)
- George Ayers (United States)
- Yanzhi Ba (China)
- Kenn Backhaus (United States)
- Brian Bailey (United States)
- Marilyn Bailey (United Kingdom)
- Anna Rose Bain (United States)
- Suzie Baker (United States)
- Sheila Ballantyne (Canada)
- Poppy Balser (United States)
- Bruss Baltazar Garcia (Italy)
- Holly Banks (United States)
- Jennifer Barolet (Canada)
- Edouard Barthole (United States)
- D. Eleinne Basa (United States)
- Bayasgalan Batmagnai (United States)
- Alex Bauwens (United States)
- Susan Beaver (Canada)
- Julie Beck (United States)
- Aliakbar Beigi (Australia)
- Helene Beland (Canada)
- John Belardo (United States)
- Julie Bell (United States)
- Joseph Bellofatto (United States)
- Rubén Belloso Adorna (Spain)
- Sarah Bentley (United States)
- Shaun Berke (United States)
- Rose Ann Bernatovich (United States)
- Rachel Bess (United States)
- Linda Besse (United States)
- Kaitlynn Beyer DVI (United States)
- Daniel Bilmes (United States)
- Matthew Bird (United States)
- Kelly Birkenruth (United States)
- R. Geoffrey Blackburn (United States)
- Leah Blatteis DVI (United States)
- Matthew Bober (United States)
- Robert Bodem (Italy)
- Candice Bohannon (United States)
- Lucas Bononi (United States)
- Maja Borowicz (Poland)
- David Michael Bowers (United States)
- Richard Boyer (United States)
- Jason Brady (United States)
- Maudie Brady (Italy)
- Matthew Braun (United States)
- Larisa Brechun (United States)
- Joseph Brickey (United States)
- Gerald Brom (United States)
- Laurie Brom (United States)
- Carol Broman (United States)
- Chris Bronstad (United States)
- Charlene Brown (United States)
- Jen Brown (United States)
- Roger Dale Brown (United States)
- Carlos Bruscianelli Torrealba (United States)
- Thomas Bucci (United States)
- Mary Ross Buchholz (United States)
- Don Bryan Bunag (Philippines)
- August Burns (United States)
- Ellen Buselli (United States)
- Niamh Butler (United States)
- John Buxton (United States)
- Sophie Cahu (France)
- Jie Cai (United States)
- Alex Callaway (United Kingdom)
- Svetlana Cameron (United Kingdom)
- Roneidy Caraballo Bonilla (United States)
- Jenny Carr (Australia)
- Kathleen Carr (United States)
- Mary C Carroll (United States)
- Kim Casebeer (United States)
- Todd Casey (United States)
- Josh Cassidy (United States)
- Daniel Cassity (United States)
- Jane Chapin (United States)
- Pippa Chapman (Australia)
- Ryan Chapman (United States)
- Aubrey Charnell (United States)
- Changhai Chen (China)
- Yong Chen (China)
- Kevin Chester (United Kingdom)
- Hsiu-Ying Chien (Taiwan)
- Casey Childs (United States)
- TaeYoung Chon (South Korea)
- Candice Chovanec (United States)
- Dan Christian (United States)
- Adam Clague (United States)
- John Clark (United States)
- Joaquín Coca Leal (Spain)
- John Cogan (United States)
- Michael Coleman (United States)
- Guy Combes (United States)
- Amaya Corbacho (Spain)
- Grace Corkum-Plaster DVI (United States)
- Jayson Cortez (Philippines)
- Dot Courson (United States)
- Phil Couture (United States)
- Carlita Crawford (United States)
- Catherine Creaney (United Kingdom)
- Mary Jane Q Cross (United States)
- Anni Crouter (United States)
- David Cunningham (United States)
- TJ Cunningham (United States)
- Linda Curley Christensen (United States)
- Dennis Curry (United States)
- Carla D'aguanno (United States)
- Joseph Daily (United States)
- Heidi Daynes Darley (United States)
- John Darley (United States)
- Emanuele Dascanio (Serbia)
- Michael Davis (United States)
- Regina Davis (United States)
- Ana de La Cruz (United States)
- Emanuela De Musis (United States)
- DeAngel (Spain)
- Pedro Del Toro (Spain)
- Donald Demers (United States)
- Laura den Hertog (Canada)
- Bin Deng (China)
- Shiqing Deng (United States)
- Kexin Di (China)
- Jordi Diaz Alama (Spain)
- Akshay Dighe DVI (India)
- Randalf Dilla (Philippines)
- Edward Dillon (United States)
- Kim Diment (United States)
- Martin Dimitrov (United States)
- Lizet Dingemans (United Kingdom)
- Nicole DiStasio DVI (United States)
- John Philbin Dolan (United States)
- Anzhelika Doliba (United States)
- Wendy Donahoe (United States)
- Leon Doucette (United States)
- Kimberly Dow (United States)
- Rick Duijs (Netherlands)
- Michael Dumas (Canada)
- Stuart Dunkel (United States)
- Kathleen Dunphy (United States)
- Matthew Durante (United States)
- Heather Edwards (United States)
- Joel Edwards (United States)
- Arinze Egbe (Nigeria)
- Nick Eisele (United States)
- Alia El-Bermani (United States)
- Niklas Elgmo (Italy)
- Teresa Elliott (United States)
- Tadanori Endo (China)
- Camille Engel (United States)
- Miriam Escofet (United Kingdom)
- Natalia Fabia (United States)
- Philippe Faraut (United States)
- Kevin Farrell (United States)
- Nasim Faryabi (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
- Natalie Featherston (United States)
- Nahuel Ferreira (Argentina)
- Peter Fiore (United States)
- Nancy Fletcher (United Kingdom)
- Nanette Fluhr (United States)
- Brandon Flye (United States)
- Kelli Folsom (United States)
- Pérez Fontán (Spain)
- Kelli Kaye Fountain (United States)
- Barbara Fox (United States)
- Lyubena Fox (Bulgaria)
- Nanci France-Vaz (United States)
- Carina Francioso (Canada)
- Zoey Frank (United States)
- Rose Frantzen (United States)
- Ryan Frederickson (United States)
- Joke Frima (France)
- Kathleen Fritz (United States)
- Hiroki Fukuda (Japan)
- Nanci Fulmek (United States)
- Hiroshi Furuyoshi (Japan)
- Katherine Galbraith (United States)
- Romulo Galicano (Philippines)
- Tanja Gant (United States)
- Fei Gao (China)
- Tracy Gardner (Canada)
- Isabel Garmon (Spain)
- Tina Garrett (United States)
- Alberto Gedeón (Czech Republic)
- Jennifer Gennari (United States)
- Kit Gentry (United States)
- Daniel Gerhartz (United States)
- Donato Giancola (United States)
- Douglas Gillette (United States)
- Cesare Giuffredi (United States)
- Stephen Gjertson (United States)
- Alexey Glazunov (Ukraine)
- Rusudana Glonti (United Kingdom)
- David Gluck (Canada)
- Damien Gonzales (United States)
- Arina Gordienko (United Kingdom)
- Gilbert Gorski (United States)
- Danny Grant (United States)
- Jaq Grantford (Australia)
- David Gray (United States)
- Elena Green (Australia)
- Peter Green (United States)
- Maya Greenfield DVI (United States)
- Amanda Greive (United States)
- Hans Guerin (United States)
- Giuseppe Guindani (Italy)
- Amaya Gurpide
- Clark Gussin (United States)
- Gemma Gylling (United States)
- Michael Hall (United States)
- Richard Hall (United States)
- Palden Hamilton (United States)
- Ben Hammond (United States)
- Ann Hanson (United States)
- Ting Hao (China)
- Takayuki Harada (United States)
- Johanna Harmon (United States)
- Kolbjørn Håseth (Norway)
- Ray Hassard (United States)
- Catherine Haverkamp (United States)
- Seth Haverkamp (United States)
- Arthur Haywood (United States)
- Yuehua He (United States)
- Lucia Heffernan (United States)
- Mark Heine (Canada)
- Jorma Helenius (Finland)
- Cornelia Hernes (United States)
- Nancy Hines (United States)
- Anton Hoeger (Germany)
- Natalie Holland (United Kingdom)
- Craig Hone (United States)
- Chad Houtz (United States)
- Brenda Howell (United States)
- Guodong Hu (China)
- Shengfan Huang (China)
- Neal Hughes (United States)
- John Joseph Hunn (United States)
- Jane Hunt (United States)
- Lois Hunter (Canada)
- Esther Huser (Switzerland)
- Morgan Irons (United States)
- Anushka Iyer DVI (United States)
- Regina Jacobson (United States)
- Amir Jamshidi (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
- Stephen Jesic (Australia)
- Fengshi Jin (United States)
- Haihong Jin (China)
- Eric Johnson (United States)
- Gary Johnson (United States)
- Mary Jo Johnson (United States)
- Scott Johnson (United States)
- Scott Wallace Johnston (United States)
- Joel Jones (United States)
- Rance Jones (United States)
- Maria Francisca Andraianne Juarez DVI (Philippines)
- Molly Judd (Ireland)
- Silvia Juez Linares (Spain)
- Miki K. T. Chart (Canada)
- Claudia Kaak (Germany)
- David Kaiser (United States)
- Mason Mansung KANG (United States)
- Charles Gilbert Kapsner (United States)
- MaryBeth Karaus (United States)
- RM Kavanagh (Ireland)
- Masako Kazue (Japan)
- Janne Kearney (Australia)
- Thomas Kegler (United States)
- Chippie Kennedy (Canada)
- Ryan Kennedy (United States)
- Mostafa Keyhani (Canada)
- Phil Kidd (United States)
- Kurt Klein (United States)
- Michael Klein (United States)
- Christine Knapp (United States)
- Erik Koeppel (United States)
- Daniela Kovacic (United States)
- Brian Kramer (United States)
- Carina Kramer (Germany)
- Casey Krawczyk (United States)
- Chris Krupinski (United States)
- Sandra Kuck (United States)
- Rashid Kulbatyrov (Kazakhstan)
- Justin Kunz (United States)
- Ekin Akalin Kurucu (Turkey)
- Anja Kuzmic DVI (Croatia)
- Christine Labich (United States)
- Sarah Lacy (Canada)
- Deborah LaFogg Docherty (United States)
- Mary LaGarde (United States)
- Nicole Lalande (Italy)
- John Lally (United States)
- Jesse Lane (United States)
- Pal Laroche (United Kingdom)
- Joshua LaRock (United States)
- Bryan Larsen (United States)
- Petre Lavrente (United States)
- Stephanie Law (United States)
- Bruce Lawes (Canada)
- Rod Lawrence (United States)
- Noah Layne (Canada)
- Dave Lebow (United States)
- Anna-Lena Cäcilia Ledl DVI (Austria)
- Brianna Lee (United States)
- Jong Lee (United States)
- KyungCho Lee (South Korea)
- Vanessa Lemen (United States)
- Shana Levenson (United States)
- Steven Levin (United States)
- Chenhui Li DVI (United Kingdom)
- Dong Li (Canada)
- Jing Feng Li (China)
- Annie Liang DVI (United States)
- Celia Liberace DVI (United States)
- Robert Liberace (United States)
- Thomas Lick (United States)
- Gianna Ligotino DVI (United States)
- He Lihuai (China)
- Tai Meng Lim (Malaysia)
- Kristin Lindseth (United States)
- Iris Liu DVI (United States)
- Jun Liu (China)
- Claire Livingston (United States)
- Deborah Lloyd (United States)
- Francesco Lombardo (United States)
- Tony Lombardo (United States)
- Yoann Lossel (France)
- Hari Lualhati (South Africa)
- Rebecca Luncan (United States)
- Howard Lyon (United States)
- Kyle Ma (United States)
- Alejandro Macho (Spain)
- Rob Macintosh (United States)
- Gayle Madeira (United States)
- Almudena Mahiques Masip (Spain)
- Denise Mahlke (United States)
- Don Maitz (United States)
- Booth Malone (United States)
- Douglas Malone (United States)
- Carol E Maltby (United States)
- Hubert Malter DVI (Austria)
- Scott Mandeville (United States)
- Johanne Mangi (United States)
- Jeremy Manyik (United States)
- Naomi Martin (United States)
- Tom Martin (United States)
- David Martinez (United States)
- Juan Martínez (Canada)
- Saul Martinez Rodriguez (United States)
- Dianne Massey Dunbar (United States)
- Guy-Anne Massicotte (Canada)
- Morgan Masters DVI (United States)
- Adam Matano (United States)
- Laurin McCracken (United States)
- Margret McDermott (United States)
- Angus McEwan (United Kingdom)
- Patrick McGannon (United States)
- James McGrew (United States)
- Anne McGrory (United States)
- Joseph McGurl (United States)
- Jim McVicker (United States)
- Dominique Medici (United States)
- Lin Mei (United States)
- Krystii Melaine (United States)
- Angela Mia (United States)
- Charles Miano (United States)
- Vladimir Mihailov (Russian Federation)
- Erin Milan (United States)
- Brice Miller (United States)
- James Miller (Canada)
- Lauren A. Mills (United States)
- Mary Minifie (United States)
- Miroslav Mlkvik (Slovakia)
- Zenabu Mohammed DVI
- Elizardo Mojica (United States)
- David Molteni (United States)
- Evgeniy Monahov (Russian Federation)
- Nicole Moné (United States)
- Fina Mooney DVI (United States)
- Kevin Moore (United States)
- Christel Morin Soubeyre (United States)
- John Morra (United States)
- Gregory Mortenson (United States)
- Charlie Mostow (France)
- David Mueller (United States)
- Ricky Mujica (United States)
- Charles Mundy (United States)
- Harold Munoz (France)
- Hernan Javier Muñoz (Argentina)
- Sandra Murphy (Canada)
- Katsu Nakajima (Japan)
- Vince Natale (United States)
- Jan Nelson (United States)
- Ernesto Nemesio (United States)
- Alexandrea Nicholas-Jennings (Canada)
- Koji Nishifusa (Japan)
- Ellie Noir (Australia)
- Genevieve Nolan (United States)
- Carrie Nygren (United States)
- Rodney O'Dell Davis (United States)
- Nicholas O'Leary (Norway)
- Mikel Olazabal (Spain)
- Marci Oleszkiewicz (United States)
- Wilson Ong (United States)
- Tamara Oppel (United States)
- Andrew Orr (United States)
- Yumi Overson (United States)
- Carla Paine (United States)
- Grace Paleg (Australia)
- Siyuan Pan (China)
- Robert Papp (United States)
- Joe Paquet (United States)
- Andrew Parris (United States)
- Susan Paterson (Canada)
- Bocu Paul Andi (Italy)
- Jon Bøe Paulsen (Norway)
- Aleksandar Paunkovic (Serbia)
- Gelena Pavlenko (United States)
- Julianna Paylor DVI (United States)
- Cees Penning (United States)
- Pedro Antonio Perales Burgaz (Spain)
- Grant Perry (United States)
- Kimberley Peters (Spain)
- Mary Pettis (United States)
- Gabriel Picart (Spain)
- Mica Pillemer (Australia)
- Genta Plasari (Switzerland)
- Tamara Pokorny (Germany)
- Colin Poole (United States)
- John Pototschnik (United States)
- Michael Prezioso (United States)
- Shengwen Pu (China)
- Olivera Pudar (United States)
- Lorena Pugh (United States)
- Mark Pugh (United States)
- Phyllis Purves-Smith (United States)
- Yue Qiu (China)
- Reza Rahimi Lasko (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
- Igor Raikhline (United States)
- Gustavo Ramos (United States)
- Walter Rane (United States)
- Kerri Ravas DVI (United States)
- Alan Ray (Canada)
- LaQuincey Reed (United States)
- Timothy Rees (United States)
- Diane Reeves (United States)
- Paul Reid (United Kingdom)
- Angela Reilly (United Kingdom)
- Ira Reines (United States)
- Joe Remillard (United States)
- Lena Rentel DVI (United States)
- Stephanie Rew (United Kingdom)
- Marcos Rey (Peru)
- Rob Rey (United States)
- Julio Reyes (United States)
- Danielle Richard (Canada)
- Kirk Richards (United States)
- Ron Richmond (United States)
- David Riley (United States)
- Jeff Ripple (United States)
- Fabiana Rivas (Venezuela)
- Cindy Rizza (United States)
- Daniel Robbins (United States)
- Nadine Robbins (United States)
- Nicholas Benedict Robinson (Ireland)
- Pauline Roche (United States)
- Devon Rodriguez (United States)
- Aurelio Rodriguez Lopez (Spain)
- Sergio Roffo (United States)
- Alejandro Rosemberg (Argentina)
- Miriam Rosenthal (Canada)
- John Rowe (United States)
- Scott Royston (United States)
- Carlo Russo (United States)
- Scott Ruthven (United States)
- Philip Salamone (United States)
- Kenneth Salaz (United States)
- Yuliana Salazar (United States)
- Jerry Salinas (United States)
- Dominique Salvador (Chile)
- Gayla Salvati (United States)
- Morgan Samuel Price (United States)
- Melissa Franklin Sanchez (Italy)
- David Sandell (United Kingdom)
- Carl-Martin Sandvold (Norway)
- Lauren Sansaricq (United States)
- Pablo Santibañez (Spain)
- Dave Santillanes (United States)
- Mary Sauer (United States)
- Laurence Saunois (France)
- Viktoria Savenkova (Belarus)
- Ana Schmidt (Spain)
- William Schneider (United States)
- Juliet Schreckinger DVI (United States)
- Brent Schreiber (Canada)
- Dan Schultz (United States)
- Suzy Schultz (United States)
- Erin Schulz (United States)
- Guenevere Schwien (United States)
- Sara Scribner (United States)
- Coderch&Malavia Sculptors (Spain)
- Stephen Sebald (United States)
- Suzie Seerey-Lester (United States)
- Danguole Serstinskaja (Lithuania)
- Arantza Sestayo (Spain)
- Duffy Sheridan (United States)
- Anne Shingleton (Italy)
- James Shoop (United States)
- Bren Sibilsky (United States)
- Fletcher Sibthorp (United Kingdom)
- Olena Skliarova Mordvinova (United States)
- Michael Deborah Skoff (Canada)
- Nathaniel Skousen (United States)
- Atle Skudal (Norway)
- Albert Slark (Canada)
- Alexandra Slava Sevostianova (Germany)
- Allison Leigh Smith (United States)
- Cameron Smith (United States)
- Matthew Smith (United States)
- Pavel Sokov (Canada)
- Meghan Sours (United States)
- Sydney Bella Sparrow (United States)
- Tina Spratt (United Kingdom)
- Nakorn Sriphet (United States)
- Amit Srivastava (India)
- Doreen J. St.John (United States)
- Jonathan Stasko (United States)
- Victoria Steel (United States)
- Adrienne Stein (United States)
- Ann Steverson (United States)
- Matthew Stewart (United States)
- Katherine Stone (Canada)
- Vicki Sullivan (Australia)
- Aleksey Susol (Ukraine)
- William Suys (United States)
- Christine Swann (United States)
- Denny Doran and John Swihart (United States)
- Jianwu Tan (China)
- Matthew Tarini (Canada)
- Bryan Mark Taylor (United States)
- Luca Tedde (Italy)
- Elizabeth Thayer (United States)
- Lesley Thiel (Ireland)
- Carol Lee Thompson (United States)
- Eric Thompson (United States)
- Josh Tiessen (Canada)
- Lauren Tilden (United States)
- Kari Tirrell (United States)
- Alessandro Tomassetti (Spain)
- Kazuo Torigoe (Japan)
- Hsin-Yao Tseng (United States)
- Ezra Tucker (United States)
- Laura Tundel (United States)
- Alexandra Tyng (United States)
- Christophe Vacher (United States)
- Sadie Valeri (United States)
- Dorian Vallejo (United States)
- Jesser Valzacchi (Brazil)
- Marjorie van de Stouwe (United States)
- James Van Fossan (United States)
- Anita Van Zeumeren (Canada)
- Michael Van Zeyl (United States)
- Jeffrey Vaughn (United States)
- David Vegt (Canada)
- Alex Venezia (United States)
- Bruno Vepkhvadze (Georgia)
- Martijn Versteeg (Netherlands)
- Benjamin Victor (United States)
- Raoul Vitale (United States)
- Susan Wakeen (United States)
- Ann Kraft Walker (United States)
- Susan Wallace (United States)
- Charles Young Walls (United States)
- Kun Wang (United States)
- Xiaoxue Wang (China)
- D. Brian Ward (United States)
- Mary Jane Ward (United States)
- Patricia Watwood (United States)
- Doug Webb (United States)
- Jeffrey Weekes (Canada)
- Yun Wei (United States)
- Gary Weisman (United States)
- Cathy Weiss (United States)
- Meg White (United States)
- Richard Whitney (United States)
- Karen Whitworth (United States)
- Aron Wiesenfeld (United States)
- Steve Wilda (United States)
- Allen Williams (United States)
- Philip Hone Williams (United States)
- Robin Williamson (United States)
- Björn Wirtz (Germany)
- Nancy Wiseman (United States)
- Mike Wodnick (United States)
- Wesley Wofford (United States)
- Jeff Wolf (United States)
- Shane Wolf (France)
- Ernest Wood III (United States)
- Jonathan Wos (United States)
- Toby Wright (France)
- Jinghan Wu (China)
- Anna Wypych (Poland)
- LiJian Xie (China)
- Ye Xie (China)
- Kazuhiro Yamada (Japan)
- Baoyu Yan (China)
- Kenneth Yarus (United States)
- Huseyin Yildiz (Turkey)
- Romona Youngquist (United States)
- Aaron Yount (United States)
- Orley Ypon (Philippines)
- Ming Yu (China)
- Harold Zabady (United States)
- Dana Zaltzman (Israel)
- Elizabeth Zanzinger (United States)
- Shawn Zents (United States)
- Yizhou Zhang (China)
- Song Zhou (China)
- Yunfeng Zhu (China)
- Laura Zuccheri (Germany)