ARC is proud to present the finalists and winners of the Animal Category in the 13th International ARC Salon. This represents 86 entries out of the 292 works entered into this category. This category includes all animal art; any paintings, sculptures or drawings where an animal or animals are the central focus of the work. Animal art is an important way for the general public to stop and appreciate animal life in a way that they may not do in their everyday lives. It draws attention to the importance of animal rights and draws interest to the other living creatures that share or have shared our world in both reality and myth, demonstrating that animals are every bit as worthy of being subjects of fine art.
$2,500 Cash Award
First Place
Julie Bell
Speak Softly
Oil on linen
121.92 x 152.4 cm | 48 x 60 in
$1,000 Cash Award
Second Place
Craig Hone
Night Shift
Wood (basswood)
40.64 x 60.96 cm | 16 x 24 in
Honorable Mentions
Tamara Pokorny
Behold but Beware
Scratchboard and ink
18 x 24 cm | 7 x 9 1/4 in
Exhibited at the MEAM