The Night Doesn't Exist by Emanuele Dascanio

Home / Salons / 13th ARC Salon

Emanuele Dascanio

The Night Doesn't Exist


60 x 40 cm | 23 1/2 x 15 1/2 in

Charcoal and graphite on paper

  • ARC Purchase Awards ($27,500)
  • Honorable Mention / Drawing

This work is in the Collection of the Art Renewal Center.

"I was inspired by the need to better understand death and life after death. I wanted to know where life ends and death begins as sometimes the line is blurred. I tried to use the experience I have from my culture to find a solution in this drawing. But from this solution, arose new questions: Is this girl dead or just asleep? Is she pretending to be dead?

I would just like to present this enigma with my human prospective from what is life and what is death without providing an answer. No explanation, only contemplation of the big question: Is this innocent young lady just a sleep, or is she dead? To open oneself to the mystery, to change perspectives, to nourish oneself of questions, to adapt oneself to the answers even if they are not there: this also makes us human. Here is the enigma.

I used charcoal and graphite on paper as I was taught by my master who uses techniques that date back to the Florentine Renaissance and to the Flemish art done in Northern Europe. I deeply believe that the technique you choose to make the artwork with, is deeply connected to the idea that you want to express." – EMANUELE DASCANIO