Bridge by Julie Bell

Home / Salons / 13th ARC Salon

Julie Bell



73.66 x 73.66 cm | 29 x 29 in

Oil on artist's board

  • FWSD Award

"I find that the purity of nature serves as a bridge for me to an invisible world that encompasses our entire universe and beyond. Using the written language of words to communicate this feeling just doesn’t seem to do the job with sufficient clarity. My best attempt to share this feeling with others is through the visual language of my art. In this instance, I portray a red-tailed hawk as the spirit of nature. By allowing myself to be completely dissolved into the hawk's being, I feel a kind of access to a limitless place that exists right here where we live but that is typically obscured by our own human thinking processes. The hawk, or any part of the world of nature—sky, wind, rocks, blood cells, water, everything—carries me away to infinity." – JULIE BELL