Bird in the Hand by Lesley Thiel

Home / Salons / 13th ARC Salon

Lesley Thiel

Bird in the Hand


99.06 x 55.88 cm | 39 x 22 in

Oil on panel

  • ARC Staff Awards ($100 Cash Award)

"Bird in the Hand expresses both my hopes and fears for the future of our planet. In the painting, a young girl stands in an amorphous landscape clouded by smoke. The wreath of flowers that she wears on her head would normally be a symbol of fertility and rebirth but is now dead and dry. In her hands she cradles a young bird, protecting it from the dangers surrounding it. I see her as the representation of a generation that will protect life on earth, even as our planet faces enormous challenges. Her pose is self-contained, nurturing, and demonstrates the strength and independence of a young, confident girl. In her, I see hope for the future." – LESLEY THIEL