I Love You by Laurence Saunois

Home / Salons / 13th ARC Salon

Laurence Saunois

I Love You


100 x 150 cm | 39 1/4 x 59 in

Oil on canvas

  • Honorable Mention / Animals

“While visiting a zoo I saw a little white tiger playing with his mother. I stayed a long time watching them. There was a lot of tenderness and patience in all the gestures of the mother who suffered the assaults of her child without saying anything. To contain all her ardor, she seized the throat of the shameless cub in her mouth with a lot of love. That's why I chose to call my painting I Love You.

I chose to represent them in an intimate atmosphere. With a black background, the color shades of their white coats offer a soft contrast. I used a large format because I wanted the viewer to feel very close to these life-sized tigers and feel the emotional power of the scene.” – LAURENCE SAUNOIS