Knitter's Gift by Adam Clague

Home / Salons / 12th ARC Salon

Adam Clague

Knitter's Gift


76.2 x 76.2 cm | 30 x 30 in

Oil on linen

  • ARC Purchase Awards ($4,900)

Exhibited at the MEAM

Exhibited at Salmagundi

This work is in the Collection of the Art Renewal Center.

"Inspiration for this painting sparked from the idea to create a flowing rhythm using strands of colorful yarn. On the day this young girl modeled, beautiful sunlight streamed through the window. This resulted in a stunning pattern of light and shadow and a great variety of whites, providing further inspiration for the piece. My wife and I always enjoy painting this young friend of ours because of her sweet spirit, and because she loves being a part of the painting process." - Adam Clague