Bather by Joshua LaRock

Home / Salons / 12th ARC Salon

Joshua LaRock



40.64 x 25.4 x [*] cm | 16 x 10 in

Oil on linen

  • Honorable Mention / Figurative

Exhibited at the MEAM

Exhibited at Salmagundi

"Little else is as beautiful as natural light revealing the female form, Bather, is something of a sonnet to this radiance. The human form and drapery are two pillars of the classical tradition which I love and where I find constant inspiration, so that was the seed which grew into this work.  However, I was seeking to paint it with a distinctly contemporary tone.  That tension of attempting to tap into the underlying current of vitality which generated the timeless works of the past, while simultaneously producing them in a way that resonates with viewers today, is something I intend to keep juggling." – Joshua LaRock