Shona by Sandra Kuck

Home / Salons / 12th ARC Salon

Sandra Kuck


60.96 x 78.74 x [*] cm | 24 x 31 in

Oil on canvas

  • ARC Purchase Awards ($15,500)

Exhibited at the MEAM

Exhibited at Salmagundi

This work is in the Collection of the Art Renewal Center.

"Shona is a painting of my granddaughter at the age of 10. She is doing what kids do best, relaxing in a beautiful old hotel built in 1735, in Christiansted, St. Croix, US Virgin Islands. The hotel and the town of Christiansted is the only place in the world that was built by African Slaves and Danes that still exists today as it did almost 300 years ago. It had a very spiritual and timeless feeling that Shona seemed to take on as I painted her in the ever present, never changing morning light." - Sandra Kuck