Sibling Bond by Shana Levenson

Home / Salons / 12th ARC Salon

Shana Levenson

Sibling Bond


91.44 x 60.96 x [*] cm | 36 x 24 in

Oil on dibond

  • Chairman's Choice Awards ($350 Cash Award)

Exhibited at the MEAM

Exhibited at Salmagundi

“I consider my paintings to be somewhat of a diary of my life, that I’m hopeful others connect with and typically I paint people that are in my life.  It allows me quiet time to get to know every nuance in them and spend time with them.  Who better to paint than my own children? Divorce is tough on everyone, but especially children. This painting expresses that through challenging times; sibling bonds will always stay strong. My children proved to be extremely resilient after my divorce and have become great friends. My daughter is a true protector over her little brother and he loves and respects her so much. I wanted this piece to express sadness, courage, and love between a brother and a sister.” – Shana Levenson