String of Pearls by Tina Garrett

Home / Salons / 12th ARC Salon

Tina Garrett

String of Pearls


76.2 x 101.6 x [*] cm | 30 x 40 in


  • ARC Purchase Awards ($7,029)

Exhibited at the MEAM

Exhibited at Salmagundi

This work is in the Collection of the Art Renewal Center.

No. 4 in Garrett's Vintage est Nouveau series, String of Pearls, 30" x 40", is a an example of an evolution of all of Tina's works celebrating strong female personalities. A homage to Jackie Warfel, the eccentric owner of the collection of vintage clothing depicted in the series, "String of Pearls" is in essence a portrait of Jackie’s spirit, a woman, now in her 80's who at her heart personifies all the women depicted in the Vintage est Nouveau series, bold, confident and comfortable in her skin. String of Pearls was a top 100 finalist in Figurativas 2015 hosted by the Foundation of the Arts and Artists at the Museum of Modern Art Europe, (MEAM), and a National Oil and Acrylic Painters' Society 2015 Best of America, Best Oil Painting by a Signature Artist Award winner, and the People's Choice Award winner as well. About the purchase Garrett said, "I could not be prouder that String of Pearls will join my painting, City Blues, in ARC's renowned collection."