{"Id":1853,"Name":"Il\u0027ya Repin","Biography":"\u003Cstrong\u003EREPIN, ILIYA EFIMOVICH (1844-1930)\u003C/strong\u003E, Russian painter, was born in 1844 at Tschuguev in the department of Charkov, the son of parents in straitened circumstances. He learned the rudiments of art under a painter of saints named [I. M.] Bunakov, for three years gaining his living at this humble craft. In 1863 he obtained a studentship at the \u003Ca href=\u0022http://www.tcaup.umich.edu/stpetersburg/acadfinearts.html\u0022 target=\u0022_blank\u0022 class=\u0022link\u0022\u003EAcademy of Fine Arts of St Petersburg\u003C/a\u003E, where he remained for six years, winning the gold medal and a travelling scholarship which enabled him to visit France and Italy. He returned to Russia after a short absence, and devoted himself exclusively to subjects having strong national characteristics. In 1894 he became professor of historical painting at the St Petersburg Academy. Repin\u0027s paintings are powerfully drawn, with not a little imagination and with strong dramatic force and characterization. A brilliant colourist, and a portrait-painter of the first rank, he also became known as a sculptor and etcher of ability. His chief pictures are \u003Cu\u003EProcession in the Government of Kiev\u003C/u\u003E, \u003Cu\u003EHome-coming\u003C/u\u003E, \u003Cu\u003EThe Arrest\u003C/u\u003E, \u003Cu\u003EIvan the Terrible\u0027s murder of his Son\u003C/u\u003E, and, best known of all, \u003Cu\u003EThe Reply of the Cossacks to Sultan Mahmoud IV\u003C/u\u003E. The portraits of the Baroness Varvara Ikskul von Hildenbandt, of \u003Ca href=\u0022http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Anton-Rubinstein\u0022 target=\u0022_blank\u0022 class=\u0022link\u0022\u003EAnton Rubinstein\u003C/a\u003E and of \u003Ca href=\u0022http://www.bartleby.com/65/to/TolstoyL.html\u0022 target=\u0022_blank\u0022 class=\u0022link\u0022\u003ECount Leo Tolstoy\u003C/a\u003E are among his best achievements in this class. The \u003Ca href=\u0022http://www.tretyakov.ru/\u0022 target=\u0022_blank\u0022 class=\u0022link\u0022\u003ETretyakov gallery\u003C/a\u003E at Moscow contains a very large collection of his work.\u003Cbr\u003E\u003Cbr\u003ESee \u0022Professor Repin,\u0022 by Prince Bojidar Karageorgevich, in the \u003Cu\u003EMagazine of Art\u003C/u\u003E, xxiii. p.783 (1899); \u0022Russian Art\u0022, a paper by E. Brayley Hodgetts in the \u003Cu\u003EProceedings of the Anglo-Russian Literary Society\u003C/u\u003E (5th of May 1896); \u0022Ilja Jefimovich Repin,\u0022 by Julius Norden, in \u003Cu\u003EVelhagen and Klasings Monatshefte\u003C/u\u003E, xx. p. I (1905); also R. Muther, \u003Cu\u003EHistory of Modern Painting\u003C/u\u003E (ed. 1907), iv. 272. (E. F. S.)\u003Cbr\u003E\u003Cbr\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003E\u003Cu\u003ESource:\u003C/u\u003E\u003C/strong\u003E Entry on the artist in the \u003Ca href=\u0022http://47.1911encyclopedia.org/R/RE/REPINI_ILJA_JEFIMOVICH.htm\u0022 target=\u0022_blank\u0022\u003E1911 Edition Encyclopedia\u003C/a\u003E.\u003Cp\u003E","Awards":null,"HasAlbums":true,"HasPortraits":true,"HasRelationships":true,"HasArticles":true,"HasDepictedPlaces":true,"HasLetters":false,"HasLibraryItems":true,"HasProducts":true,"HasSignatures":true,"HasVideos":false,"HasMapLocations":true,"TotalArtworks":654}