from "Frankenstein" - 2 by Hae Won Kang

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Hae Won Kang

Aged 25

from "Frankenstein" - 2

Acrylic on paper
41 x 29 3/4 ins (104.14 x 75.57 cms)

29.75"x41" One of series of acrylic paintings illustrating scenes from "Frankenstein." The piece depicts the moment of the monster's creation. While the relationship of the two starts as 'have and have-not' or 'creator and creation,' throughout the book the two characters share common traits. While the monster is hideous, he starts as an innocent infant who doesn't know anything, then turns vicious; Victor is an obsessive scientist seeking to satisfy his interest in life by all mean, later becomes emotional and morally awake. In the piece, the two different monstrosity is facing each other, and both hidden from the viewers, hinting the connection between the two. The monster is hidden under a fabric and Victor is blurred by a boiling flask in the foreground. This is to communicate the unrevealed monstrosity and fear Victor wasn't aware of when he created his first monster, which is later revealed. Only after he created the monster, he becomes aware of the monstrosity of his practice.