Letter to ARC

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Letter to ARC


Published before 2005

This evening my husband gave me this url and told me to have a look at some paintings by a guy called 'Bouguereau' - someone I have never heard of. I had lots of things to do around the house, but thought I would take a quick look ... Well, I've been looking ever since. I have been swept off my feet, looking at one painting after another. It is true - I have never seen such depictions of the human body, the unbelievable grace he has put into his model's feet which are in nearly every painting, the positioning of hands, the beautiful skin textures ...

I don't know why I have never heard or seen any of his paintings before, but I feel as though I have been invited to a feast now - an enriching feast for the soul.

Thank you for all the work put into this website. It's really made my day.