Letter to ARC

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Letter to ARC


Published before 2005

"Majoring in art at a state university appealed to me because I have always hated Art, and I had a hunch if any school would treat the subject with proper disdain, it would be one that was run by the government."
--Chip Kidd from The Cheese Monkeys

Though I do not share his sentiments about art, I chose to open my e-mail with the quote to explain my position. A Studio Art major [...]. Throughout high school I would locate myself in the deepest corner of the art room so as to be farthest away from the chaos as possible. Hoping the nonsense would end in college, my hopes were shattered. I came home everyday crying. Sculpture projects made from trash, drawing critiques that weren't really critiques, modernist ideals, such disdain for the classical. What a world I was shoved into. The students had no motivation other than the due date. I would frantically talk to my professor about classical teaching, "where was it?" he responded with "I'm going to push you into the 21st century."

I left the art program.

I would just like to thank you, thank you for your presence and everything. I used to feel like I was all alone, fighting an unstoppable force. Thank you also for your list of schools and academies - I don't know if I would have ever been able to find these places without the ARC.

Thank you for sharing my philosophy and theories - see you in the gallery.

- Terah Walkup