New ARC Purchase Award

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New ARC Purchase Award

October 6, 2016

We are pleased to announce the next purchase award for the 12th International ARC Salon Competition. Joshua LaRock’s painting titled, Laura in Black, has now been added to the ARC Collection.

Laura in Black by Joshua LaRock
$20,000 Purchase Award
"This work represents the third time my wife has agreed to sit for me. Each time she does, a sort of ineffable alchemy occurs, embodying something of my love for her, and resulting in a special work which is more than the sum of drawing, oil and pigments. I was searching to find an aesthetic which balances my desires to stay true to classical ideals, influences and techniques, while speaking in a modern idiom, striking a resonant tone with contemporary hearts. To that end, I sought a gesture and expression, along with a subdued color palette that is wistful, evoking a vague but deep longing. Her gaze is warm, sensitive and direct, but also a bit distant, searching for something unknown. The unfinished, frenetic brushstrokes around the perimeter, leave an unresolved tension.
The drawing and painting process was done entirely from life and under a north facing skylight in Manhattan. It was filmed from start to finish as the subject of an instructional video produced by a new company two colleagues (Michael Klein and Louis Carr) and I are developing, named artDisciple. The film will be released soon."

All purchase awards will be exhibited at the live exhibition for the ARC Salon which will travel from the Salmagundi Club in New York City to the MEAM museum in Barcelona in 2017. More purchase award announcements to follow.