TRAC2014 - A Revolutionary Event

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TRAC2014 - A Revolutionary Event

March 14, 2014

TRAC2014, A Full House
The Representational Art Conference that took place at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Ventura, CA last week was an event for the history books.

Several articles have come out post the event and more are sure to follow. "With such high profile participants as Roger Scruton, Odd Nerdrum and Juliette Aristides it was sure to be a stellar event but there were many surprises that put the entire conference over the top for those who were there, and on the map for those who were not. Over the past few decades representational painting has seen a resurgence in popularity, and quality, that has made it the most important movement in art today. As Kara Ross of the Art Renewal Center said, we are taking back humanity and communicating across borders in a universal language."
Brandon Kralik, Huffington Post

To read the full article by Brandon Kralik click here.
To read an interview with Michael Pearce, co-founder of the TRAC event,
click here.
To read an Article by John Seed on TRAC click here.
To read an article by Vanessa Rothe in Fine Art Connoisseur click here.