Epoch Times Goes Daily

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<i>Epoch Times</i> Goes Daily

September 26, 2013

Epoch Times, a multi-national newspaper headquartered in New York, has extended its publication to five days a week, Monday through Friday, taking its place among the top daily broadsheets in New York. The newspaper can be found in yellow news boxes throughout Manhattan. Subscriptions are available through http://subscribe.theepochtimes.com/.
The Epoch Times is a strong supporter of the Contemporary Realist movement in America and abroad and often report on ARC Approved Atelier Schools as well as artists and events that are featured on the ARC Website.
This expansion marks an important step in the Epoch Times's journey. Freedom of the press and humanity are the foundation of the Epoch Times; their beginnings hailed from a great need to provide uncensored news to a people immersed in propaganda and censorship in China. You can read more about the beginnings of the Epoch Times by clicking here.