The Angel Academy of Art - New Location

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The Angel Academy of Art - New Location

April 17, 2012

The Angel Academy of Art moved on April 10th into a new home in one of Florence's beloved neighborhoods close to the city center. They have invested in the long-term future of the Academy by consolidating their campuses and moving both into a vast new studio space.

The exciting new state-of-the-art school was meticulously designed to meet the particular specifications for study of the old master's techniques. The abundance of both natural and controlled lighting is balanced by deep olivecolored walls that accentuate skin tones. The temperature-controlled environment provides optimum comfort during working hours and an elegant exhibition gallery weaves around the studios displaying the remarkable works of students past and present.

They will be hosting an open house of their new facility on April 28th.
Please view our Events Page for more details.
angel studio