Amazed by ARC

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Amazed by ARC

October 4, 2011

"Dear Fred,

I recently discovered the ARC website and was amazed and touched at your honesty and bravery in speaking out against modern 'art'. I'm an English painter and musician residing permanently in Nevada and just getting back into art following an eleven year hiatus.

The reason I left my art for so long was due to disillusionment with the art establishment and its often bizarre view of what it considered to be 'art'. The final straw for me was when I visited a high end gallery in London and was shown work by an alleged artist who literally dabbed neat watercolors onto the edge of a sheet of paper before dipping it into a bucket of water. The result resembled a $5 tie dye t-shirt pattern. The pretentious gallery owner told me that this work was as good as, if not better, than that produced by the Royal Academy which was located just down the road.

I will soon join ARC as a member, and as soon as I have enough paintings, I plan on entering ARC contests. I'm very pleased to learn of ARC's existence and feel comforted in the knowledge that there are other people out there who feel the same way about art as I do."

-Mario Parga

Click here to read the full letter.