Bouguereau Book Grant Thanks

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Bouguereau Book Grant Thanks

September 27, 2011

booksleeves I am a third year student at Georgetown Atelier in Seattle, WA. Our instructor, Tenaya Sims, brought in the beautiful addition of the Bouguereau Catalog Raisonne that you offered our school. As a student it is not in my means at this time to purchase such a definitive work of one the finest French painters. I have admired his work at Orsay and our local musem, the Frye. However to have all his works available to study, page after page, is a sheer delight.
Thank you for your generous gift to our atelier library. I am so very appreciative of the dedication, long hours and effort it took to bring this book to print.

Courtney Estevenin

To Learn more about the Bouguereau Book Grant please click here.