$30,000 Awarded for 2010 - the 10th Anniversary of the ARC Scholarship Fund

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$30,000 Awarded for 2010 - the 10th Anniversary of the ARC Scholarship Fund

November 18, 2010

$30,000 in Scholarships have been awarded by the ARC Scholarship fund for 2010, the 10th Anniversary of the ARC Scholarship Fund. Half of the funds come through the donations of many of our members and half through the continued financial support from the Morris and Alma Schapiro Fund. We very much appreciate their support for this year's scholarship recipients and look forward to working together in the future.

When the ARC Scholarship Program began, there were 13 ARC Approved Ateliers. With continued support, the number has climed to over 50 ateliers and schools on our ARC Atelier List. Prospective students may search the ARC Atelier Map so that prospective students can search for a school by location in the USA, Canada and Europe.Click here to read our 10th Anniverary Article.

Inga Loyev
The Angel Academy of Art
Sylvia IV
Oil on Canvas  43.5 x 21.5 in.

Scholarship Recipients for 2010:

Two First Place Awards:
1.Terra Anne Chapman$5,000
2.Inga Loyev$5,000
Two Second Place Awards:
1. Colleen Barry$4,000
2. William St. John$4,000
Two Third Place Awards:
1. Zoey Alyssa Frank$2,500
2. Andrea Mosley$2,500
Two Fourth Place Awards:
1. Eran Weber$2,000
2. Timothy Jahn$2,000
Two Fifth Place Awards:
1. Mark Porter$1,500
2. Edward Dillon$1,500

Click here to see the winners artwork. .