Crossing Realities

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Crossing Realities

Published on November 30, 2022

The ARC Approved® Miami International Fine Arts (MIFA) is holding an exhibition including works by instructors and founders of the school and gallery.

"Collectively, the artists participating in the exhibition Crossing Realities - Figuration and Symbolism assume painting as an interface between several realities; their own as a material object, that of representation as a system of semiotic and perceptual conventions, that of the physical world that pre-exists and conditions it, and that of the sensibility that drives it and gives it meaning. All these instances coexist on the canvas, tensing its surface, violating its edges and making it an epiphanic event from which emerges, at last, another possible reality. Now, as before, painting and the painter must coexist with otherness and affirm from there its own existence." - Felix Suazo , Curator

The exhibition runs from November 4, 2022 - January 12, 2023 at MIFA 5900 NW 74th Ave. Miami 33166.

To learn more, please click here

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