Georgetown Atelier now accepting applications for Fall 2021 (in-person studio education)

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Georgetown Atelier now accepting applications for Fall 2021 (in-person studio education)

Published on June 18, 2021

Georgetown Atelier is a classical drawing and painting program, which also recognizes the critical role that imaginative realism plays within the classics. Georgetown Atelier was founded in 2008 by Tenaya Sims (ARC Salon Best in Show winner 2016). The Atelier is located within the Equinox Studios campus in the Georgetown district of Seattle, WA. Home to over 100 artists, Equinox Studios is a thriving arts and artisan community. Students enjoy the benefits of being part of this artist community, as well as the ‘family’ of ateliers at Gage Academy of Art.

Along with Tenaya, the teaching staff is comprised of Christopher Remmers (ARC Salon 3rd Place Imaginative Realism award), Tiffany Dae (ARC Salon Finalist) and Riley Doyle (ARC Salon Finalist). These highly talented professionals all graduated from Georgetown Atelier. In addition to being excellent teachers and having exceptionally warm characters, they are masters of the craft.

At Georgetown Atelier, students begin by working observationally as they learn such core subjects as constructive anatomy, value studies, perspective, and cast drawing. Students then learn how to extend beyond observation into the inventive. The “Rock Project” is one example of the bridge between the observational and the imaginative. Students initially draw a rock from observation through studying its visual properties (planar vs. round, quality of texture, lighting, etc.). Students then draw a rock from imagination, informed by their observational studies of the real rock.

There are 4 major tiers of the curriculum which students follow a progression of projects along: Drawing, Painting I, Painting II, and Professional Development. During the Professional Development stage, under the mentorship of the instructors, students build a cohesive body of work and cultivate their “inner vision”.

Please click here for more information, or write Tenaya at for inquiries or to set up a tour.