{"Id":7393,"Name":"Anand PKC","Biography":"\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003EContact Info:\u003C/strong\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EWebsite: \u003Ca href=\u0022http://www.anandarts.net\u0022 target=\u0022_blank\u0022\u003Ewww.anandpkc.com\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EEmail: \u003Ca href=\u0022mailto:pkc.anand@yahoo.com\u0022\u003Einfo@anandpkc.com\u003C/a\u003E\u003Cbr /\u003EPhone: US \u002B1 (978) 930-1495\u0026nbsp;\u003C/p\u003E\r\n\u003Cp\u003E\u0026nbsp;\u003C/p\u003E\r\n\u003Cp\u003E\u0026nbsp;\u003C/p\u003E\r\n\u003Ch3 style=\u0022text-align: center;\u0022\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003E.:: World Class Oil Paintings By Anand PKC ::.\u003C/strong\u003E\u003C/h3\u003E\r\n\u003Cp\u003E\u0026nbsp;\u003C/p\u003E\r\n\u003Cp style=\u0022text-align: center;\u0022\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003E\u0022Artistic Talent is an Invaluable Gift from God\u0022\u003C/strong\u003E\u003C/p\u003E\r\n\u003Cp\u003E\u0026nbsp;\u003C/p\u003E\r\n\u003Cp\u003EAnand PKC, an acclaimed award-winning oil painter, specializes in \u0022Hyper Realism\u0022 and innovative contemporary styles. Born in India into an affluent and influential family, he now resides in the United States. At just three years old, Anand showed promise as an artist, in both drawing and painting with watercolors. His mother, an artist herself, carefully observed and nurtured his innate talent, which encouraged him greatly leading him to participate in many art events at his schools, winning several prizes and regional awards as a junior.\u003C/p\u003E\r\n\u003Cp\u003EAfter graduating in Business, Anand drifted from his artistic pursuits and joined his father in various entrepreneurial ventures. Despite this, his true passion for art never wavered; he continued to paint, allowing his creativity to flourish and eventually reignite his dream of a career in art, which also informed his approach to his family business. As a gifted artist in childhood, it seemed destined that he would inevitably return to his artistic roots.\u003C/p\u003E\r\n\u003Cp\u003EAnand\u0027s oil paintings have been showcased and honored at prestigious landmarks such as \u0022The United Nations Headquarters\u0022 in New York City and \u0022Los Angeles Convention Center\u0022 in California, as well as at major Art Fairs, Popular Art Events, and Upscale Galleries across the USA.\u003C/p\u003E\r\n\u003Cp\u003EAnand has been featured in major press media like \u0022New York Daily News\u0022 and various other News Outlets / Trade Journals / Magazines across the United States and the world. The \u0027New York Daily News\u0027 featured Anand\u0027s work, headlining \u0027TRULY ART FELT\u0026rdquo; with a full-page article in all 5 boroughs of New York City. Also, one of his solo Art Exhibitions in New York City was aired on \u0026ldquo;TV ASIA Satellite Channel - USA/ CANADA\u0022 in North America.\u003C/p\u003E\r\n\u003Cp\u003EAnand has been recognized with prestigious awards and honors from prominent art organizations, including the esteemed \u0026ldquo;ARC Approved Living Artist Award\u0022, \u0022The Art of Fashion Award\u0022, and \u0022New Tang Dynasty TV Award\u0022.\u003C/p\u003E\r\n\u003Cp\u003EAnand has also been honored with multiple distinguished Jury Diplomas by the esteemed Eurasian Art Union, World Art Funds, and Next Art Foundation, in recognition of his exceptional artistic expertise. He had the privilege of serving as an art judge and contributing his expert assessment, which served as a significant incentive to various artistic genres. As a member of the Eurasian Expert Jury Council Board, Anand played a crucial role in identifying top talents at all of the iconic \u0026lsquo;Russian Art Events 2020 - 2021\u0026rsquo;, which took place in Moscow and Saint Petersburg, Russia. These events saw participation from more than five thousand artists worldwide who exhibited their works and won prizes. The events attracted over two hundred thousand art enthusiasts and collectors.\u003C/p\u003E","Awards":null,"HasAlbums":false,"HasPortraits":true,"HasRelationships":false,"HasArticles":false,"HasDepictedPlaces":false,"HasLetters":false,"HasLibraryItems":false,"HasProducts":false,"HasSignatures":false,"HasVideos":false,"HasMapLocations":false,"TotalArtworks":23}