
Juan de Valdes Leal

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Juan de Valdes Leal

9 artworks


Born 1622 - Died 1690

  • Artworks
  • Timeline
St Jerome

St Jerome

Oil on canvas

211 x 131 cms | 83 x 51 1/2 ins

Museo del Prado Madrid | Spain

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Virgin of the Immaculate Conception with Sts Andrew and John the Baptist

Virgin of the Immaculate Conception with Sts Andrew and John the Baptist


Oil on canvas

234 x 167 cms | 92 x 65 1/2 ins

Musee du Louvre Paris | France

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Ascension of Elijah

Ascension of Elijah


Oil on canvas

567 x 508 cms | 223 x 200 ins

Public collection

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Assumption of the Virgin

Assumption of the Virgin


Oil on canvas

National Gallery of Art Washington | United States

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Carrying the Cross

Carrying the Cross


Oil on canvas

88.5 x 71.5 cms | 34 3/4 x 28 ins

Museo de Bellas Artes Sevilla | Spain

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Miracle of St Ildefonsus

Miracle of St Ildefonsus


Oil on canvas

270 x 250 cms | 106 1/4 x 98 1/4 ins

Public collection

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Finis Gloriae Mundi

Finis Gloriae Mundi


Oil on canvas

220 x 216 cms | 86 1/2 x 85 ins

Public collection

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In Ictu Oculi

In Ictu Oculi


Oil on canvas

220 x 216 cms | 86 1/2 x 85 ins

Public collection

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Monument to St Ferdinand

Monument to St Ferdinand



560 x 330 cms | 220 1/4 x 129 3/4 ins

Public collection

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