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Gustav Bauernfeind

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Gustav Bauernfeind

11 artworks

German Orientalist artist

Born 1848 - Died 1904

  • Artworks
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  • Images of the Artist
  • Depicted Places

Orientalische Strassenszene

Oriental Street Scene

Oil on canvas

102.2 x 69.8 cms | 40 x 27 1/4 ins

Private collection

3 MPs

The Wailing Wall Jerusalem

Oil On Canvas

39 x 51 cms | 15 1/4 x 20 ins

Private collection

12 MPs
Washing Day

Washing Day


Oil on canvas

74.9 x 61.6 cms | 29 1/4 x 24 1/4 ins

Private collection

1 MPs

Kanalszene In Chioggia Mit Bragozzo

Canal Scene in Chioggia with Bragozzo

Oil on canvas

60 x 74.6 cms | 23 1/2 x 29 1/4 ins

Private collection

3 MPs

Ebene Von Jericho Mit Quarantal

Plain of Jericho with Quarantine Valley

Oil on canvas

52.3 x 75.5 cms | 20 1/2 x 29 1/2 ins

Private collection

3 MPs

Totes Meer Mit Moabitergebirge, Abendstimmung

Dead Sea with Moabiter Mountains, Evening Mood

Oil on canvas

76.9 x 113.3 cms | 30 1/4 x 44 1/2 ins

Private collection

3 MPs

Blick Auf Jerusalem Vom Ölberg Aus

View of Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives

Oil on board

27.9 x 49.5 cms | 10 3/4 x 19 1/4 ins

Private collection

3 MPs
Jaffa, Recruiting of Turkish Soldiers in Palestine

Jaffa, Recruiting of Turkish Soldiers in Palestine


Oil on canvas

148.6 x 280 cms | 58 1/2 x 110 1/4 ins

Dahesh Museum New York | United States

less than 1 MP