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Giuliano Finelli

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Giuliano Finelli

11 artworks


Born 1601 - Died 1653

  • Artworks
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  • Timeline
Cardinal of Montalto

Cardinal of Montalto


Bode Museum Berlin | Germany

17 MPs

Francesco Bracciolini



71 x 63 x 39 cms | 27 3/4 x 24 3/4 x 15 1/4 ins

Victoria and Albert Museum London | United Kingdom

5 MPs

Bust of Maria Cerri Capranica


White marble

7 MPs

A Widowed Lady


White marble

78 x 53 x 33 cms | 30 1/2 x 20 3/4 x 12 3/4 ins

Victoria and Albert Museum London | United Kingdom

5 MPs

Pope Innocent X


Cast bronze

93 x 85 x 40 cms | 36 1/2 x 33 1/4 x 15 1/2 ins

Victoria and Albert Museum London | United Kingdom

5 MPs
Bust of Maria Barberini Duglioli

Bust of Maria Barberini Duglioli



57 cms | 22 1/4 ins

Private collection

less than 1 MP

Cardinal Scipione Borghese (1577–1633)



81.9 x 78.4 x 40.6 cms | 32 x 30 3/4 x 15 3/4 ins

Metropolitan Museum of Art Manhattan | United States

11 MPs
St Peter

St Peter



Private collection

less than 1 MP