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Ritratto di vecchio con nipote
Portrait of An Old Man with His Grandson
c. 1490-1494
62.7 x 46.3 cms | 24 1/2 x 18 ins
Musee du Louvre Paris | France
Portrait of Giovanna Tornabuoni
Tempera on wood
76 x 50 cms | 29 3/4 x 19 1/2 ins
Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum Madrid | Spain
Portrait of a Lady
c. 1490
Oil on canvas
56.1 x 37.7 cms | 22 x 14 3/4 ins
Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute Williamstown | United States
Portrait of a Young Man in Red
38.7 x 27.6 cms | 15 x 10 3/4 ins
National Gallery London | United Kingdom
Presunto ritratto di Clarice Orsini, moglie di Lorenzo il Magnifico
Presumed portrait of Clarice Orsini, wife of Lorenzo the Magnificent
Oil on canvas
75 x 52 cms | 29 1/2 x 20 1/4 ins
National Gallery of Ireland Dublin 2 | Ireland
Portrait of a Man
54.6 x 44.5 cms | 21 1/4 x 17 1/2 ins
Metropolitan Museum of Art Manhattan | United States
The Apparition of Christ to the Virgin
c. 1490
45 x 41.5 cms | 17 1/2 x 16 1/4 ins
Musee du Louvre Paris | France
Christ in Heaven with Four Saints and a Donor
c. 1492
308 x 199 cms | 121 1/4 x 78 1/4 ins
Adoration of the Shepherds
167 x 167 cms | 65 1/2 x 65 1/2 ins
San Trinit‡ Firenze | Italy