In the coming years, I will continually work on the weaknesses in my work as I find them, which will allow me to grow into a prominent force in the contemporary imaginative realist scene. I realize I still have much to learn, but will study hard to complete my current course efficiently and properly. After that, I plan to study under and learn from many experienced artists to combine their knowledge into a versatile skillset with refreshing ideas but a solid foundation. I'm currently not yet sure where in particular I would go, but I am looking at various high-profile ateliers and apprenticeships, and will decide definitively during the upcoming academic year. Whatever choice I end up making, I will give it my best efforts to improve as much as possible during this time.
I define my long term goals mainly by the types of work I want to produce. The works I'll create will have a strong narrative quality, saturated with symbolism and escapism. I will focus on becoming an independent producer of artwork, combining relevant interests with my realist artwork to produce works with a unique impact. These interests include music, language, science, and humanity. By combining music, writing and visual arts I want to alternate between creating works that tell humane stories and works that address contemporary themes. I believe there's a charm to be found in the way people used to convey morals and concepts through their artwork and stories, and I want to exert a similar influence upon today's society.