This ARC scholarship will enable me to do the core program, I have been longing to do for so long, at its fullest potential. This scholarship will provide the financial stability necessary for me to focus only on the program and be one of the hardest working students that has ever stepped foot in Grand Central Atelier. My passion for drawing and painting will be fully evident as I will always be the first and last student out of the doors of the atelier.
The reason why I need the scholarship is because I’ve been telling my parents for several years that I wanted to attend Grand Central Atelier, but when I was prepared finally to apply my father passed away and now I don’t have the financial resources necessary to be the best student I can possibly be. I solely make a living as a painter, but now I want to only focus on the foundations. This means that my painting will be put on pause so that I can have all the time needed to be one of the most successful students in their program. I will never underestimate what it takes to draw even a cast, when I say successful by no means I am saying it is easy. If the cast will take me over a hundred hours I will love every second of it. This atelier program has every tool I need to master the classical approach to drawing and painting I’ve been seeking for my whole life.
My future dreams are to bring awareness in painting, and I also find that it is a fascinating vehicle to transmit one’s message to the world. One day I wish to
open the first ARC Approved Atelier in Argentina where my roots are from, so that I can expand the knowledge of atelier training to the far reaches of the world. Thank you for taking the time to read my scholarship application.