My long-term Educational and Carrer Goals
I have been studying at the Florence Academy of Art since october 2016, since then I have experienced a great change, in both my work and my view on working as a traditional trained sculptor. It is overwhelming for me to see how much I have learned in sculpting and drawing in this first year of studying here. This progress of learning not only made my techniques and skills grow, it also made my personality and my creativity grow.
Even though I am still very young, I feel a deep motivation and strong will to dedicate my life to the creation of works of art. I constantly get inspiration and new ideas, so I am creating things restlessly. I want continue the sculpture program here, to learn how to master sculpting and drawing the human figure.
Sculpting the human portrait is our main interest here in the sculpture program, and it is the subject that I feel already the most connected to and comfortable doing. I currently strive to accommodate a multitude of priorities in my work, namely a deep commitment to observing and empathize in a subject in order to create work that contains the senses and physicality of the natural world. After graduating school, I would like to continue to experiment with the skills and my own artistic voice I have attained, striving to create works of realist art throughout my life.
By employing a style with emphasis on the naturalistic and organic, and by working with ideas invoked by the contemporary world that surrounds us and basic emotions that have been a consistent part of the human experience, I hope to engage the viewer and provide them with a new perspective on the aspects of life upon which the work touches. The goal of my artistic career is to bring inspiration, sensitivity an thoughtfullness to others with my works of art.
Because of my young age, I am dependent of financial support from my mother. My mother is on her limit of being able to help me, also because I have two younger siblings who also need support and care. This year I got awarded with the TIAC Group scholarship (2500$), but it is still a unbearable amount of fees to pay for the next school year. It would be a huge relief and great help if you can support me financially with your scholarship.