Essay of my long-term educational and career goals
Warm September day. A girl of six years is sitting on the steps near the Art School and crying. She wants to go painting, but she finds it difficult to be with other children who are constantly messing around and pestering her.
This girl is me 12 years ago. And it’s the beginning of my journey to art not always easy but fascinating.
I tried three times, entered the Art School and then quitted.
But my love for painting and perseverance prevailed. Art helped me not only find the purpose but also develop my soft skills and overcome barriers.
And now I'm 18, I'm a wonderful artist, a girl with many friends and admirers, who knows what she wants and goes for it.
The war in Ukraine pushed me to Italy and now I am studying at the FCAA (Florence Classical Art Academy ) where I have a leading position. I work very hard to get closer to my dream - to become the best artist in the world and share my passion for drawing and art with other people through my artworks and teaching. So I want to continue my studies at this Academy to obtain the necessary knowledge, skills and network.
Education for one semester is paid and with this situation in Ukraine I have difficult period, so I will invest the money won to live in Italy and to the next academic year.
I would like to complete the 3 year course in the Academy, because I understand the seriousness and richness of the knowledge of our craft.
After graduation, I will take part in exhibitions and competitions to promote my art. I would really like to draw realistic paintings filled with meaning and beauty.
Through my art I want to give a positive influence on lives of people and their mindset, to raise both the problems of society and an individual. I want to bring beauty and eternity, goodness and truth into the world.
And of course, to reach the top, I need to work hard on myself as an artist and on myself as a person. So I try to manage my life wisely.
I am very attentive to the detail and strive for the absolute, as Michelangelo said: "Attention to the little things gives birth to perfection, but perfection is no longer a trifle." I absolutely agree with this and consider it an honor to be a follower of realistic art. With perfect trepidation to continue this traditions . So in order to achieve my goals, I will work and study hard so that the imperishable art lives and develops forever.