Bertrand Godefroy

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Bertrand Godefroy

Aged 25

The Florence Academy of Art

Instructor(s): Mitch Shea, Eirik Arnesen, Maudie Brady, Jana Buettner, Thor Larsen, Ola Alaa-Eldin, Dasha Belokrylova, Chase Heinke, Sandeep Krishnan

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  • Artworks


water-based clay

11 3/4 x 23 1/2 ins (30 x 60 x 110 cms)


Sepia and white chalk

31 1/4 x 15 1/2 ins (80 x 40 cms)


water-based clay

35 1/4 x 7 3/4 ins (90 x 20 x 10 cms)


water-based clay

35 1/4 x 13 3/4 ins (90 x 35 x 20 cms)


water-based clay

9 3/4 x 5 3/4 ins (25 x 15 x 15 cms)


Charcoal and white chalk on hand-toned Arches pape

31 1/4 x 9 3/4 ins (80 x 25 cms)


water-based clay

11 3/4 x 5 3/4 ins (30 x 15 x 15 cms)


charcoal and white chalk on hand-toned Arches pape

19 1/2 x 11 3/4 ins (50 x 30 cms)


charcoal and white chalk on hand-toned Arches pape

35 1/4 x 15 1/2 ins (90 x 40 cms)


water-based clay

27 1/2 x 17 1/2 ins (70 x 45 x 25 cms)


charcoal and white chalk on hand-toned Arches pape

19 1/2 x 11 3/4 ins (50 x 30 cms)

There are three things to I want to pursue now in my life as an artist, the first is that I want to become the best sculptor that I can be by always keep pushing higher my level of craftsmanship and perception to be able to always improve the drawing in space that is fundamental for constantly produce better sculptures. That is what I sharpen every day that I am studying here at The Florence Academy of Art. I also want to be a great teacher and to spread the knowledge and craftsmanship of the beautiful lost art of figurative sculpture. As I will be graduating from my current studies I want to awaken and connect with anybody that has an interest and follow their progression as I am progressing myself. Finally I want to create an artist community, a place of pure creation between sculptors and painters, photographers and many others to infuse a new impulse for the Florentine scene and that is why I am opening soon a studio with two other sculptors, Jana Buettner and Victor Veber as a start to achieve this dream of mine. Through my sculptures, I'm always trying to get closer to the reality of my models, connect with them and finding through gesture and movement something full of intention and meaning to the spectators that would interact with any of my work.

My name is Bertrand Godefroy and I am an enrolled third year student at The Florence Academy of Art. Before studying here in Italy, I was born in center of France and I grew up there until we moved with my family to Fribourg, Switzerland where I graduated from the Gymnasium. During my time there I took a private evening drawing lessons from a graduate of the Beaux-Arts, Paris in which she taught me all the basic techniques for drawing. As I grew more interested into it, I was able to work for a music band and develop their visuals, also I sold my artworks for a young clothing company. As my orientation for the arts was now clear for me, I moved to Lyon, France at the École Émile Cohl which is one of the best illustration schools in Europe. I obtained my Bachelor's degree and became a draftsman and illustrator. During my studies there I had beginner sculpture classes and I developed a new born passion, soon an obsession for this art that always stayed in my mind until I decided to change my career path and to look for the best education in the world for sculpture. During my time at The École Émile Cohl I had an internship at the Atelier Prométhée, an atelier which produces molds and cast for the Louvre Museum, the Rodin Museum, Versailles and many others. Since I am studying here at The Florence Academy of Art I was able to win a few scholarships based on merit and dedication, also I was accepted in the FACE 2021 online exhibition with my portrait "Arianna". I wish to pursue this dream and to become a graduate from this school soon.