Brittany Haynes

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Brittany Haynes

Aged 28

Academy of Realist Art

Instructor(s): Cindy MacMillen, Emanuela De Musis, Garrett Vitanza, Julie Beck, Eric Johnson

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  • Artworks

Bust Of a Man, Limited Palette

Oil on Linen

25 x 16 ins (63.5 x 40.64 cms)


Charcoal on Roma paper

25 x 15 ins (63.5 x 38.1 cms)

Madame Pompadour

Charcoal and White Chalk on Hand Toned Paper

30 x 22 ins (76.2 x 55.88 cms)


Charcoal on Roma paper

25 x 18 ins (63.5 x 45.72 cms)

Returning Home

Oil on Wood Panel

9 x 14 ins (22.86 x 35.56 cms)

When the Night Comes

Oil on Canvas

25 x 37 ins (63.5 x 93.98 cms)

Kris, Grisaille Study

Oil on Linen

26 x 21 ins (66.04 x 53.34 cms)


Oil on Linen

16 x 10 ins (40.64 x 25.4 cms)


Chalk and charcoal on hand toned paper

30 x 24 ins (76.2 x 60.96 cms)

The fortunate opportunities I have experienced over the past year reminds me it can be worth the stress and hardships when you aim for something greater. Submitting to competitions, producing work for a gallery, on top of completing my third year of study at the academy, is all part of what I want for myself and I’ve been able to successfully begin this chapter of my life with strong footing. Within the next few months I plan on renting an official studio, or live/work space, accepting more commissioned portraits, and focusing on a body of work that expresses my philosophies of the internal journey through a figurative human composition.

The looming anxiety is strongly present, but I want to stop wasting time on making an official leap into a life solely dedicated to art. I have proven enough to myself through the past year and I plan on continuing to set the bar high. The biggest goal I have is to submit, and place, in the next MEAM Figurativas competition. With this in mind I would like to take this year to dedicate more time strictly to figure-based workshops with artists, and dedicate most of my study to portraiture and anatomy. Although I want to continuing producing still life pieces I believe an interesting body of work will be created from the translation my ideas with natural and man-made objects to human composition.

In 2013, within her first year of graduating from Boston University, Brittany was selected for a group show with Gallery Seven in Maynard,MA and her painting was chosen as the cover for show advertisements. During this time she began working professionally as an artist painting large-scale backdrops for ballet and theatre in the classical tradition to support herself while focusing on personal work. In 2016 she received a new student scholarship, which covered the first year of tuition for full-time attendance, from the Academy of Realist Art, in Boston. Since attending the academy she has been awarded honorable mention in the “Head Start Competition” by The Masters Academy (2017), two meritorious honors from the Richeson 75 International show for “Still Life and Floral” (2018) and “Small Works” (2019), and awarded scholarship from The John F. and Anna Lee Stacey Scholarship Fund (2019). Last summer Brittany was included in “The Realist Academy of Boston” show at Bowersock Gallery in Provincetown, MA, and was selected as an emerging artist to be included in their 2019 season.