The fortunate opportunities I have experienced over the past year reminds me it can be worth the stress and hardships when you aim for something greater. Submitting to competitions, producing work for a gallery, on top of completing my third year of study at the academy, is all part of what I want for myself and I’ve been able to successfully begin this chapter of my life with strong footing. Within the next few months I plan on renting an official studio, or live/work space, accepting more commissioned portraits, and focusing on a body of work that expresses my philosophies of the internal journey through a figurative human composition.
The looming anxiety is strongly present, but I want to stop wasting time on making an official leap into a life solely dedicated to art. I have proven enough to myself through the past year and I plan on continuing to set the bar high. The biggest goal I have is to submit, and place, in the next MEAM Figurativas competition. With this in mind I would like to take this year to dedicate more time strictly to figure-based workshops with artists, and dedicate most of my study to portraiture and anatomy. Although I want to continuing producing still life pieces I believe an interesting body of work will be created from the translation my ideas with natural and man-made objects to human composition.