Anetta Lukjanova

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Anetta Lukjanova

Aged 24

Barcelona Academy of Art

Instructor(s): Joe Altwer, Gerard Castellvi, Martin Barbero, Iago Remacha

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  • Artworks

Longpose of Juan

Charcoal on Arches paper

33 1/4 x 15 1/2 ins (85 x 40 cms)

Longpose of Elisa

Charcoal on Arches paper

33 1/4 x 15 1/2 ins (85 x 40 cms)

Longpose of Luigi

Charcoal on Arches paper

33 1/4 x 17 1/2 ins (85 x 45 cms)

Longpose of Celeste

Charcoal and white chalk on toned Arches paper

33 1/4 x 17 1/2 ins (85 x 45 cms)

Longpose of Amelia

Charcoal ans white chalk on toned Arches paper

33 1/4 x 15 1/2 ins (85 x 40 cms)

Cast drawing

Charcoal on Arches paper

27 1/2 x 21 1/2 ins (70 x 55 cms)

Cast drawing

Charcoal and white chalk on toned Arches paper

23 1/2 x 17 1/2 ins (60 x 45 cms)

Selfportrait from life

Graphite on paper

11 1/4 x 8 1/4 ins (29 x 21 cms)

Portrait of Carlos

Charcoal on Arches paper

19 1/2 x 19 1/2 ins (50 x 50 cms)

Portrait of Emilio

Charcoal on Canson paper

11 1/4 x 8 1/4 ins (29 x 21 cms)

I am currently studying in the Barcelona Academy of Art as a second year student in the intensive drawing and painting program. To finish my studies I would still need to complete another year of painting. I had to pause my studies last year to raise money to continue, and will not have time to raise the funds for next year’s tuition fees.  

After finishing the Academy my goals are continuing to work as a studio artist and inspiring others by sharing my knowledge of these realist techniques. I am truly grateful for the knowledge I have gained in the academy and recognise its exceptional level of teaching the traditional painting methods. Unfortunately my home country currently lacks an equivalent program. It would mean a lot to be able to finish my studies and return to Finland and further share the knowledge with others. 

To me the importance of dedicating so much time to studying the traditional painting methods is discovering and finding clarity in how we behave as humans and how to portray the most honest nature of our subjects. I am fascinated by representing the smallest nuances of emotions and atmospheres created by both humans and animals through the visual language of painting. The journey of exploring how to use the language of painting to a such masterful degree in capturing life that no other medium could reach brings me the most satisfaction and is what I want to do as my main goal in life.




Anetta Lukjanova




Anetta Lukjanova (b. 1993) is visual artist from Helsinki, Finland. She is currently studying at the Barcelona Academy of Art developing her realist drawing and painting techniques. She works in a realist style to explore nuances of human and animal experience. She is fascinated by humans’ relationship to the natural world, the fine and ambiguous line between humans and animals and the subtle emotions that both are capable of expressing. She plans to explore this in her future work, through the mediums of drawing, painting and large scale murals.








2000 -2009 The fine art school for children and young people (Turku, Finland)

2009 - 2011 Juhana Herttua high school (Turku, Finland)

2011 - 2012 Mito high school (Toyokawa, Japan) exchange student

2012 - 2013 Helsinki media high school (Helsinki, Finland)

2016 - ongoing         Barcelona Academy of Art, intensive drawing and painting program




2016 Solo exhibition in Kallion Oiva (Helsinki, Finland)

2018 Misnoma group exhibition in Mau Mau (Barcelona, Spain)


Mural comissions


Bao down now, 2015 oct in Brisbane

Roots Helsinki, 2016 june in Helsinki

Oranssi ry, 2016 sept in Helsinki

Roots Helsinki, 2017 april in Helsinki

Green street, 2017 july in Helsinki

Seinähullu Vantaa, 2017 aug in Helsinki

Helsinki Urban Art, 2017 sept in Helsinki


Published work



Inside street art Melbourne (Thames&Hudson) 2016


Burn City by Lou Chamberlin (Hardie Grant travel) 2017