Nurzada Nussipzhanova ;
Born 01.04.1994 in Almaty, Kazakhstan raised in a family of musicians I've always been connected to art in various forms. Being attracted to drawing and painting from very early age becoming a professional painter didn’t seem to be obtainable until I learned about the modern ateliers. I aspire to produce works that are skillful yet communicate the narratives that move me to the viewers and hopefully feel through the images the beauty that exists.
2016 – Present Barcelona Academy of Art
intensive drawing and painting program – Barcelona, Spain
2012 – 2015 The
Kazakh National Academy of Arts, named after T. K. Zhurgenov. Theater and cinema costume – Almaty, Kazakhstan
2009 – 2012 Linguistic college
interpreter between Russian and English - Almaty, Kazakhstan
1999 — 2009 Republican specialized music school for gifted children named after K. Baiseitova, violin class - Almaty, Kazakhstan.
2015 – 2016 Tattoo and piercing shop “Tattoo Laboratory” - Almaty, Kazakhstan
2014 – 2015 Student scholarship granted by
the Foundation of The First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
2012 – 2014 – Full tuition fee grant at the
Kazakh National Academy of Arts, named after T. K. Zhurgenov