Years beyond our time all that will be looked back at is our work, and it is a diservice to the artist, to nature and to the future of humanity if we don't reach farther with every brushstroke, every mark of the pencil and every observation of our subjects that inspire us so deeply. This is what makes Art so rare and precious. We as artists have the rare sensitivity to touch those beyond a physical plain, but in an emotional, sensory and deeply psychological realm. For me, I simply wish to create honesty. But honesty embued with quality, so that if by fortunes chance a viewer happens upon a work of mine, they feel that. No gimmicks, no abstract references, but work that is thoughtful of a dialogue between, subject, artist and the painting. Next year will be my graduating year at the Florence Academy, and ideally I'd like to be able to apply for the fourth year graduate program so I can be given an oppertunity to teach part time. Teaching is essential to growing in my opinion. And growing is something an artist must do all their lives. With this application, I ask only for your support to grow as both student and artist.