Many people comments about Bouguereau paintings is how photorealistic they look, which they do in reproductions, prints, and computer images. It is a completely different story when viewing a genuine Bouguereau. I was able to see one at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, called The Elder Sister. my impression was I was not looking at a flat canvas or photograph, but a living, breathing being staring at me right back. The skin tones are painted so perfectly, that I could almost feel her temperature if I were to touch her cheek. And the baby sleeping in her arms so trustingly is very moving. Another thing I love about this painting is the actual surface texture. It does not look like a canvas coated with brushstrokes but more like many different colored precious stones melted together. Anybody can prove a canvas is flat, but this painting is the only one I've seen that gave the illusion that it was not. The ARC should add this painting to its web site museum which is already the best collection of Bouguereau on the web and in print.