Greetings and Thank You for providing such a wonderful site. I
attended the Parsons School of Design in Paris, France. I sometimes ventured into the "painting room" full of paint smeared students contemplating 10' x 12' canvases covered in nausea-inducing "modern" and "abstract" brushstrokes ... applied without thought it seemed to me ... and yet later, somehow were able to miraculously attribute to these random strokes the most profound meaning and purpose. Quel Horreur! I was forced to go to exhibits all over the city ... Joseph Albers, Kandinsky, Lichtenstein, Jasper Johns ... It was all I could do to make it to the bathroom in time! One trip to the Museum of Modern Art in New York was more than enough for me. I longed for the Musée d'Orsay and the substance and tangible canvases of the past. For the artists of the past who wander the streets of Paris and similar cities as ghosts ... wondering what in the hell happened???? ... as they peer into gallery windows gazing at the
kindergarden scribbles and blotches of Albers, et al. Your website soothes
the soul. Thank you!