Thank you for awarding me third place in the Art Renewal Center Scholarship Competition

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Thank you for awarding me third place in the Art Renewal Center Scholarship Competition

From Keller, Jennifer

Published on Sunday, October 29, 2017

October 29, 2017

Art Renewal Center

18th Scholarship Competition


Dear Art Renewal Center,

I am writing to thank you for awarding me third place in the Art Renewal Center Scholarship Competition.  The Art Renewal Center is unparalleled in its dedication to support representational painting and I thank you for giving the opportunity to support painting and sculpture students. I am deeply honored and thrilled to have been chosen.

The Art Renewal Center’s resources helped me to research ateliers and lead me to The Ravenswood Atelier, which has been such a perfect fit.  It’s hard to believe all that I have learned and the progress I have made as a painter in just four years.  I have decided to continue with my training for an additional fifth year, and this scholarship helps lighten the burden of tuition.

Thank you again for awarding me this scholarship.  Thank you for continually being a great resource for students and professional painters.



Jennifer Marie Keller

P.S. I have a YouTube channel called Atelier Diaries in which I share weekly videos of everything that I am learning at my atelier.  I made a video after I found out I had won the scholarship.  You can view it here: