Inspired and Grateful to ARC

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Inspired and Grateful to ARC


Published before 2005

Dear Mr Fred Ross,

My name is Francis Nguyen and I would like to express my gratitude by writing to you. For the first time in my life I have applied for the Art Renewal Salon 2014 and really did not expect anything to come out of it. To my great surprise, not only did I make it as a finalist, but both my sculptures got honorable mentions. It really means a lot to me to find myself among those whom I admired so much when I was younger.

About 10 years ago, before I first discovered that the Art Renewal Center, I did not even know people made realist art - I was only aware of the Old Masters like Michelangelo and Davinci. My school at the time was completely modernized and the history of traditional values was erased from the curriculum. Finding out that other living artists made this kind of high level work inspired me to such an extent that through your website, I found the ARA in 2005, studied with Fernando and Juan and began my academic studies.

Once again, I find myself in a school (National Academy) that is systematically destroying this beautiful language. The only difference now is that I am equipped, and I will try my best to be true to beauty and counter this perversion of art.

I hope one day to meet with you and personally thank you for fighting against the establishment and inspiring others to do the same.
