I rarely write to the authors I read here on the Internets, but I felt compelled after reading your FAQ explaining what good art consisted of and why it was important.
I was a philosophy student when I graduated from college 4 years ago and since then I have been a teacher involved in Teach For America. In multiple conversation with my students and in discussions with friends, I have groped for the words required to explain to them that there was not only a difference between good and bad art but that it was a noble pursuit to explore the line between them. That engaging our intellect as well as our emotions is the true way to actively experience art and the best way to foster a lasting love of the artistic world.
Your articles on the subject have been some of the most clearly written and well thought out I have been able to find on the Internet. I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate your writings and my students do too.
Thanks for your contributions to art appreciation,
Matthew Lopez