Letter to ARC

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Letter to ARC


Published before 2005

It is hard to describe my feeling upon finding this site without sounding melodramatic or maudlin. After almost four years of college as an art major and feeling non-verbal condescension, thinly veiled insults and derisive looks at last I feel I have found what I have always aspired to. Never once did I feel modern art had no place or deserved derision, indeed it is one area I have worked, and received good grades but my heart was always somewhere else. Any work I did do that was fine, classic, detailed or a somewhat recognizable object, person or place was constantly and snidely referred to in front of the class as "literal". I heard that constantly. This summer I spent almost a thousand dollars on an art class that included grad students. It was called advanced drawing. 2% of it was some drawing (nothing real though, had to be wild and crazy looking), the rest of it glue, torn construction paper, spray paint, junk found around the house. I tried to conform, do what the teacher wanted (at one point she squealed happily about a fellow artist that threw lines down on paper with her eyes closed and then made up a picture). Another student brought in piles of dried puddles of acrylic paint in multi-colors and she made everyone in the room file by and observe. Anything I brought in was not okay, even though I spent days arranging and designing according to instruction. One day I told go look at Hannah Hoch art for inspiration which I did and found an obscure picture of hers almost identical to one of mine but when I brought it in, it was not acceptable!! I was a nervous wreck after several weeks and dreaded going to this class. The teacher mostly ignored me, refused to engage in conversation with me except a few brief dismissive words. I felt like a fool and very self conscious. It is sad because I had so looked forward to attending this class because she obtained her master from Yale University. I thought it would be wonderful. At any rate, I am at your website, deeply appreciate it and look forward to being renewed and inspired by it.