Letter to ARC

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Letter to ARC


Published before 2005

Because of ARC I discovered the new city I had moved into last January, Memphis, Tennessee, had a fabulous art instructor, Kathryn Manzo who heads the Contemporary Realist Academy and also teaches art at the Lausanne Collegiate school for grades K-12. I had planned for years to attend art school but the opportunity never arose, the learning institutes I visited seemed to offer so little for so much money. I am adamantly anti-modernist, the art establishment as it is seems to me a lifeless and economics driven force of entropy and grotesqueries. When I was a little girl in Europe I remembered being awed by the great and ancient art of the Louvre, and throughout my childhood I had always thought that the many pieces of modern art dotting Seattle was ugly and pointless.. I assumed they were bad artists. I strongly believe we should seek to elevate our contemporary surroundings to such a level of idealism and beauty. I couldn't imagine being in this field without a force such as the Art Renewal Center to guide the way. I didn't even know the titles or artists to many of the pieces I loved until I found them at the ARC online museum. It's a wonderful gift for the world and for all artists who wish to return to the classical way of learning.