Letter to ARC

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Letter to ARC


Published before 2005

I read a response to an article about fine art and illustration. I believe it's up to the viewer to decide whether or not an artwork is "fine art". An illustration is just a "use" of an artwork. It is a question of quality and taste. I never liked the idea that an illustration was considered less than a fine art piece based on its label or designation. It is a silly argument. One note though, ... I did notice that there was a piece that was being used as an example in the article that I read on your site, it was a bookcover for The Game. I think it was digitally enhanced, which is kind of a grey area to me. I don't favor digital art as fine art, because the artwork work does not completely exist in the tangible world. If it is complete or partially a piece of "electronic memory" that can be altered or reproduced too easily, or does not exist in the real world as an art object (original drawing, painting, sculpture, etc.), I have a hard time considering it.